Body and Soul Art

Body and Soul Art ebook ebook cover In the dim shadows of the Garden of Earthly Delights tattoo parlour, immortal players of an ancient story continue their feuding, caught in a perpetual web of jealousy and betrayal. Russell is a simple man trying to remake himself, hoping a new tattoo will symbolize a turning point in his nondescript life. But he finds more than he bargained for when his skin becomes canvas and battlefield for their unending strife.

E-book (July 2013): $0.99
ePub, iPad, Nook, Palm (PDB), Sony (LRF)

ISBN: 978-1-3012-3990-0

“Body and Soul Art” made me squirm…Foster does a good job portraying Rusell’s agony, both physical and mental, as he wrestles with the consequences of his decisions.
—Chris Markwyn, Tangent

“Body and Soul Art” was originally published in issue #14 of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine (2004) and reprinted in the anthology the Best of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: Horror, Tehani Wessely (ed.), June 2007.

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