Editing Pass on Taijiya Zero Draft Done!

Finished my editing pass on the zero draft of the not-brainy-but-no-longer-stupid novel, a.k.a. Taijiya, last night. Made my November 1 deadline! *woot*

Ended up adding something like 1,400 words. Funny thing, when I do editing passes on short works, I tend to cut-cut-cut.  Most of the content edits I did on Taijiya involved fleshing out scenes.

Also thinking of changing the title to Demon Queller, which is actually what “taijiya” means. Not sure which conveys “medieval fantasy set in Japan” better. Kinda feeling that it’s a toss-up between, “Taijiya? What in heck is that about? Pass.” And “Demon Queller? Isn’t that horror? Pass.” Or maybe I should throw my Scrabble tiles back into the bag and pick a new batch…

Still want to do another read-through/edit of certain sections, check some continuity issues, massage a scene transition that seemed rough but couldn’t put my finger on why—that sort of thing. Then I’m foisting it on critiquers.

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5 Responses to Editing Pass on Taijiya Zero Draft Done!

  1. Michael says:

    How about “Taijiya, the Demon Queller”? Best of both passes;).

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I thought about Taijiya: Demon Queller, but it’s a little redundant. “Taijiya” means “demon queller.” It’d be like calling it Queller of Demons, the Demon Queller.

  2. Janice Clark says:

    Congratulations on having it almost ready for critique. I wouldn’t stress too much over the title at this point, as you can always change it, and your critiquers may have some suggestions after reading.

  3. Eugie Foster says:

    Thanks, Jan! And you’re absolutely right, of course.

  4. Janice is right, of course. The title may even be a marketing matter for a much later stage. But my 2 cents was in favor of Taijiya.

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