Falling behind on chores

I really need to do the laundry. Actually, I needed to do it last week. This morning, while getting ready for work, I seriously considered how well my co-workers would handle it if I showed up in a black vinyl corset and mini-skirt. It was that or a pastel print blouse that makes me look like an 80’s reject in the Barbie and Ken world (it was a gift from well-meaning, but fashion defunct, relatives). Plus I think they’d handle the vinyl better than the French Maid ensemble.

Routine maintenance chores are getting a bit of the shaft while Matthew’s convalescing. Hmm. Weekend looks like a big time for housework. Blick.

But, on an up note, handling my con-wear reminded me that I’m so looking forward to Dragon*Con. I’m missing the feel of vinyl and corseting and stiletto boots. My fetish fix from is fading fast (whoa, check out the alliteration!)

What I meant to post

Erm, when I logged in, I meant to post my writing stats. But my brain went fwoop instead.


“Running On Two Legs” (formerly titled “In the Voices of Innocents”) received 23 critiques on Critters as of this AM. Re-write complete and story away into the marketplace and to Ann Crispin for the Dragon*Con advanced workshop.

Rejection received from the Vivisections anthology on “Reign of the Wintergod.” With some extremely complimentary comments. But, still a no. This will be a hard story to place as it’s extremely visceral and explicit. Most markets won’t touch something this graphic. Damn.

Threw “It’s Only Springtime When She’s Gone” up into the Critters queue.

1000 words start made on “Of Two Minds in Lanais” (working title), which will be one of my rare high fantasy efforts. It’s something of a writing exercise for me more than anything else.

I did a tally. I’m four rejections away from my one hundredth one. Wonder if I should throw a party when I get it. Hurmph.

Losing my mind

Do you ever get that sensation where you’re pretty sure you’re going insane, but the little men in the walls have set up detour signs so the guys with the straight jackets never make it to you?

Just wondering.

I think I’m exempt from professional courtesy, but maybe there was a statute of limitation that no one told me about?

Coffee will fix it. *twitch* Coffee makes everything better. *fzzt*

Feeling peaceful

Matthew’s asleep in the bedroom, looking quite charming all nestled in with the pillows, and Hobkin’s curled up on my lap, occasionally stretching his paws out in a stretch, skunk-purring, or otherwise doing cute. I’m taking a break from a critique-a-thon for Critters to write this LJ entry; I always try to earn an MPC every time I use one so I’ve got one in reserve in case of “emergencies” (I don’t know what an “emergency” critique situation is, but I use my MPCs regularly, so hey, six down, four to go). And I’m playing some Sting-does-jazz on the computer speakers.

Three stories written and in various states of polish in short order, Matthew on the mend, work a distant Monday morning concern, sleeping skunk oozing tranquility on my lap. For the first time in weeks, I actually feel relaxed, unstressed, basically at peace with the world. Ahhhh. Or should I say “ohmmmm”?

This is nice. I need to get more “nice” moments going on.

Back to basics

It’s such a load off my mind, Matthew’s surgery being over and whatnot. These last few weeks have been just plain Hellish.

I just found out that my work folks want me to fly back to Illinois in the middle of August for some training so I can transition to a new project. Sigh. I hate going back there. It’s so dull and ugly. But on an up note, I do get to visit some dearly missed friends.

Continue reading


Matthew’s surgery went just great. He was able to walk and eat and wiggle all his fingers and toes as soon as he woke up from the anesthesia. And he reports that the pain from the herniated disc poof, is gone. As is the worrisome numbness and tingling he was beginning to feel. We’ll see how sore he is today when he’s *not* on a morphine drip when he wakes up. But I’m so relieved.

He’s got to take it easy for the next month, but that’s to be expected.


Thanks for all the kind thoughts and well wishes, everyone!

Surgery and writing update

Today’s Matthew’s micro-discectomy (sp?) surgery. I’m anxious but also relieved. Trying not to dwell too much on the unlikely but possible “What Might Happen”s. Calmblueocean.

Fifteen critiques in so far from Critters on the story I have currently in the queue. Mental note to self: quit asking if readers think a juvenile story is age appropriate. I always get answers across the board and never change the reading level anyway. So far, getting some decent nit-level feedback, one person who didn’t know what a “kitsune” was, and one person who has, apparently, no imagination what-so-ever. Odd for a genre fiction wannabe writer. Snort.

Also threw up “In the Voices of Innocents” for next week’s queue with an MPC. Already got a couple critiques for that from my Dragon*Con writers group. Plan to send that one in to Ann Crispin to critique for the Advanced Writers Workshop this year. Doh, that reminds me. We had to miss the D*C staff meeting this weekend. We’re still good; we caught the last two. But I should fire off a note to our director person.

Currently at 4000 words with a cyberpunk mythos fusion work. Spent Friday evening mulling over a title. Think I’ve got one: “It’s Only Springtime When She’s Gone.” Got the whole thing outlined and set to finish–which is odd for me since I rarely outline. And I even want to write it so no reluctant muse there. But, unsurprisingly, time to write has not been easy to find.

Debating whether or not I want to bring my laptop to the hospital and try to pound out another thousand words, or if I’ll be too distracted to write and I should just bring the “Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror” anthology my in-laws gave me for Christmas that I haven’t cracked yet.

Ack! They’re going to cut open my husband and remove bits of his back! Ack!
