LJ Katrina charity

Went to the little farmer’s tent that’s set up down the road to buy fresh veggies. It’s very charming, there’s a little old man who brings out the produce from the back of his van. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy that I’m supporting a little family farm. Of course, fosteronfilm then had to quip up, suggesting that the little old man is just the front to a big corporate farm masquerading as a mom ‘n pop business, and they hire friendly old men to hawk their wares. I “tbthhhed” my hubby and relished the sweet, plump goodness of the ripe tomatoes.

Check out what archer904 is doing! For every comment made to his post, he’s donating a dollar to Red Cross Katrina relief aid. A wonderful and generous gesture! Go forth and comment.


Writing Stuff

Received yesterday:
– My contrib. copy of the Embark to Madness anthology. My story, “Perfidious Beauty,” is the lead one. Suhweet.
– The contract from Apex for “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me.” Signed and mailed back.
– Rejection from Roaring Brook Press (via my agent) on my middle-grade novel. Sigh. I would like someone to buy that now. Yes. Publishing voodoo, do! Pleeease?

New Words: 500

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
1,500 / 6,500

Club 100 For Writers


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13 Responses to LJ Katrina charity

  1. terracinque says:

    Is that you, in this post’s icon? It doesn’t quite look like you.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Yepper, thas me. It’s an older picture, taken just after and I got engaged–part of a professionally-taken series.

      • terracinque says:

        Ah, I see. It’s older, and so you’re younger?

        • Eugie Foster says:

          Younger, thinner, and I’m not wearing any makeup. Sigh.

          • Anonymous says:

            Dreamwind thinks it’s pretty!

            It’s a lovely picture! This does not mean that any of the others are terrible!

            I’m feeling happy because I think I have wrestled the essay into submission. But I’ve been having ADSL issues all night which is a bummer. And now it’s 11:37pm which is WAAY past my bed time so it’s to bed for me. But I didn’t want to go to bed with ADSL issues. Otherwise I’d just lie there and stew and that’s not good. I don’t get enough sleep as it is.

          • Eugie Foster says:

            Re: Dreamwind thinks it’s pretty!

            Thanks! I love the pictures from that photo shoot, but the reminder of the passage of time is a little distressing.

            Hurray for successful essay wrestling! Boo for ADSL issues. Foo.

          • Anonymous says:

            Re: ADSL Issues

            Well, one of the issues was my fault… there was a chance of a thunderstorm earlier in the night, so I unplugged the modem. I have actually lost modems that weren’t on in electrical storms. So then, when I tried to connect to the internet, I couldn’t, cos the modem wasn’t plugged in… silly me.

            But there were also some WEIRD things going down last night. Everything seems fine now though. (Dreamwind… I’m gonna have to set up a blog soon!)

  2. Getting to be the lead story is awesome, dude. 😀

  3. A mixed bag

    Well, at least you have some good success to go with the disappointment on the novel. I have some voodoo equipment (doll and pins) if you need some help with your hex.

    How did you compose the little word count range? I would like to include one on my page. Tres cool.

  4. scyllacat says:

    Look at Eugie’s pretty new picture!

    You should have heard the discussion I had with the one guy about the free-range chicken eggs. *thpbts along with you*

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