Beautiful Winter
When her widowed mother remarried, Prascovia wanted to hate her stepsister. But even though her mother despises sweet, beautiful Marfa, Prascovia found herself adoring her new sister instead. Their mother’s spite drives Marfa one winter’s night into the bitter cold, but astonishing them all, Marfa returns with violets, strawberries, and the favor of Lord Frost. However, having Father Winter as an admirer has its own perils, and Prascovia vows to save her beloved sister from Winter’s attentions.
A haunting, lush re-imagining of the Russian “Jack Frost” fairy tale.
E-book (July 2013): $0.99
• ePub, iPad, Nook, Palm (PDB), Sony (LRF)
ISBN: 978-1-3010-0968-8
“Beautiful Winter” was originally published in Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show, #13, July 2009 and reprinted in the first annual InterGalactic Awards Anthology, Orson Scott Card and Edmund R. Schubert (eds), Spotlight Publishing, 2012.
“A haunting, mesmerizing fairy tale steeped in Russian lore.”
—Craig Childs, Jr., The Midwesterner
“a lovely fairy tale”
—Wordsworm, My Magic Book Journal