I was so tired yesterday. Just didn’t have any energy, and I even took a nap. Dozed off fairly early at night, and then woke up at 2AM for a bout of insomnia. And this while on 20mg of Adderall. So I’m wondering if, after a measly two weeks, I’m already racking up a tolerance. As such, I’m going Adderall-free today, to see what happens.
But, on the positive side of things, I’ve lost 4lbs while on it.
Warning: There is some nudity on the voting pages.
Not safe for work or kiddies!
Writing Stuff
Since I posted my little “we’re busy at Tangent, mm-kay?” whine, I’ve received half a dozen emails from folks interested in reviewing for me. *blink* I’m all yay, but my labor shortage has suddenly become a labor glut. More proof that the universe enjoys keeping me off balance.
And to top things off, I also got a query from a writer who thought Tangent published fiction and wanted to know whether I’d consider a serial. Uh . . .
Did they even look at the site before hitting SEND?
Is it safe to go on and off your meds like that?
It should be. It’s your basic amphetamine and I’ve only been taking it for a couple weeks. I might get a bit of withdrawal if I’ve actually formed a dependance, but after only two weeks, it should be a pretty minor one. That’s actually a major reason I’m going without today, to see what kind of withdrawal effects I get, if any. If I have them, I’m going to want to pull back and definitely lobby to switch to Provigil the next time I see my p-doc. But either way, I’m not particularly endangering myself doing this. Unlike, for example, if I went cold turkey on my prozac (or my Imuran for that matter).
Nothing wrong with a labor glut. Put those new reviewers to work.
*whip crack*
Yeah. You can have one of them review DKA!
So…you’re lazy and…skinny? Hee. what a concept, sleep your way to weight loss! 🙂
Pat K.
I don’t think “skinny” is the proper word. I think a more accurate description would be “less jelly-esque.” Lazy, however, is dead on.
another possibility: you could be tired because your metabolism is slower (from reduced calorie intake). i take 30 mg of adderall daily and it suppresses my appetite enough that i often forget to eat until i get home from work in the evening. if i do that too many days in a row, i get tired and worn out. human bodies like little bits of food throughout they day more than they like once-a-day smorgasbords. maybe your “snack signal” is gone??
Excellent thought!
Good point. And let me tack on a ditto from my experience. Without the hunger signal, there is a definite need to check your mood and mental states to watch for being sugar-low. Even at my fastest weight-loss, I don’t think I ever did much more than a pound a week (and this was when I was knocking on the door of 300lbs). So, you might want to play with your meals and their schedule a bit.
Re: Excellent thought!
I think you’re both probably dead on, now that I think of it. My energy perks do seem to be associated with food intake. Huh. I should have realized.