Well, I’ve hit another writing milestone, officially. A market that I had a story accepted to bit it. 3F Publications/Demonic Books the publisher of the MicroSHOCKS anthology announced that they’re effectively folding. The editor said that he will continue to look for another publisher. But still . . .
Aw crap. I’m so sorry. I haven’t hit that milestone, but I have had publications fold before getting back to me on submissions.
Thanks. I guess it could be worse. At least there’s still some hope for the project. *sigh*
At least it’s a milestone?
If one market bought it, another will.
Some writing milestones are less fun than others. Heh.
I’m sorry. But, I agree… if they bought it, someone else will. Besides, you are absolutely fabulous – how could people not buy your stories?
*many hugs*
Aww. Thank you! I think you’re absolutely fabulous, too.
Anderson has a micro piece of mine as well. It’s been since early May and I was thinking of querying the status of the antho, but I suppose there is no need to now. I knew that 3F/Demonic Books were in finacial straits, but I thought they were in the process of reorganizing…
What a bummer.
Oh well, Press On.