Back from D*C 2002

Dragon*Con 2002 was a blast. The kind with gunpowder, flashing lights, and explosions. Man, I’m totally wiped.

Big, huge apologies to all the LJ folks like emuko, alladinsane, and mystrys and kaoslyon who I ran into in the corridors and didn’t have time to do more than hug and wave at before having to dash off. I was stretched way thin this year and feel really badly that I didn’t get a chance to gab longer with y’all.

To give you an idea of how time-crunched I was, guess how many parties I was able to hit? Got a number in your head? Okay, subtract it from itself and you got it. Yup. ZERO. I didn’t even go to the Dead Dog party afterwards. Sigh.

And I really needed to take today off. Nine hours of sleep is not enough to make up for all the shuteye I didn’t get.

Very brief highlights:
– Dancing on stage with Jefferson Starship (pictures to come)
– Meeting all the celebs back stage during the Jefferson Starship concert
– Being interviewed by SFN
– The Cruxshadows concert
– Getting the reviews back from Victoria Strauss and Kathleen O’Malley on my story “Running On Two Legs.” They were glowing. I’m going to include blurbs from them in my cover letter for “Running.”

I’ll write more about the con later. I’m too zoned to be coherent for much longer.

And hey, continue checking out the Daily Dragon. More articles will be added in the next few days, as will pictures. We didn’t have time to publish all the ones we got.

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9 Responses to Back from D*C 2002

  1. inscrutable says:

    Jefferson Starship? um…..


  2. kaoslyon says:

    It’s quite alright, dear. Perfectly understandable. 🙂

    At least you were nice eye candy in passing. Mmmmmmm vinyl! lol

  3. mouseferatu says:

    Glad to hear it went well, even if you were horrendously busy.

    Still wish we could’ve been there, but then, if you didn’t have time to talk, what would’ve been the point anyway? 😉

    Next year…

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I wish you could’ve been there too . . .

      But next year. Definitely next year. Those eight hours for the writer’s workshop ate too big of a chunk out of my socializing time this year. And it wasn’t just the workshop itself, but Ann sent us home with a pile of manuscripts (each other’s stories) to read on Saturday, so the free time I didn’t have on Saturday was gobbled up by manuscript reading.

      Hey, on Sunday when I was zipping through the Exhibit Hall, I swung by the White Wolf booth and lo and behold, Vampire: Dark Ages, Europe! I flipped to the section on Hungary. Woot! You rock, Mousie-fangs! You’ve got a very lyrical/evocative style. I see why fans rave about your sections.

      • mouseferatu says:

        Well, look at it this way. We’ll definitely have time for socializing next year, because we’re probably going to show up on your doorstep and beg you to put us up for a few days. 😉

        “Woot! You rock, Mousie-fangs! You’ve got a very lyrical/evocative style. I see why fans rave about your sections.”

        Wow. That really means a lot coming from you. Thanks. 🙂

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