Backups found!

Thank Gahd! Our webmaster found online Tangent archives at The Wayback Machine. We’re in the process of trying to download them all, but it looks like they exist up through December 2003. Whew.

I spent many hours yesterday restoring the most recent ones. I’m hoping there will be a faster way, but for now, I’m cutting and pasting each one individually. Really, really hoping there’ll be a faster way. There’s a lot of old reviews.

Hobkin has a stuffy nose. He can only smell the sharpest tasting/scented food, so he’ll eat bell peppers and biscuits, but won’t touch tomatoes and cucumbers. Poor lil guy.

Here’s a picture of his nosie, because it’s just that cute:

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4 Responses to Backups found!

  1. What a sweet little guy- I hope he’s feeling better soon…

  2. dionycheaus says:

    that’s really got to be the cutest picture of hobkin’s nose that I’ve ever seen, though. honest.

  3. that is the saddest face! poor hobs! but I’m laughing at him eating bell peppers. what a cutie!

  4. mtfay says:

    Haven’t been able to breathe since Thursday night, myself. Linus stares at me every time I sneeze too. I’m hoping that some day the Sudafed will actually drain my sinuses, since they don’t make any other decongestants now…:P

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