Buffy, Relish, and waiting

Buffy last night was . . . okay. It didn’t suck, although the ** Minor Spoiler Alert!** “Cassandra as the prophetess whom no one believed” has been done before. A lot. But it wasn’t all that memorable either. I think I’ll lump it into that selection of episodes that were fun, but not all that deep. Although I liked Cassie’s final words to both Buffy and Spike. The implication that Buffy did or would love Spike in the future was nicely titillating. Go, Spike! If I haven’t said this before, I’m an uber Spike fan. ** /Minor Spoiler Alert!**

And I got a note from the publisher of Planet Relish. I didn’t get the Fiction Editor position, but he said he’d like to keep my info on file for future openings. Apparently, the other candidate wrote more encouraging rejection letters than me. *Sigh* But I can only be so bummed about it. While it would have been lotso fun and fabu experience, it would have been a huge drain on my time, not to mention the no money part. Oh well. Maybe next turn of the wheel.

And the 15th has come and gone, and I haven’t heard a peep out of Phobos! Yesterday was when they were supposed to let us finalists know who made the final cut and who didn’t. I’ve checked their website (something like a hundred times yesterday) and checked all my writers groups/networks/boards ad nauseum, and no one’s said anything. And I’m thinking I would have gotten wind of something if there were any updates. I know two of the other finalists who frequent the Rumor Mill and a few of the others are friends with someone in my DC2K writers group. So I’m thinking that since the culling to the final twenty was late by about four days, it bumped this deadline by the same time frame. Maybe? Urg.

And so the waiting continues. Wah!

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4 Responses to Buffy, Relish, and waiting

  1. melonaise says:

    I’m wondering if Cassie meant that Buffy would tell Spike she loves him, or just that she forgives him for what he’s torturing himself about. Poor Spikey. I like this episode’s version of his craziness better than the others. Still incoherent, but more introspective and consistent.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I did like Spike’s quip from last week’s episode re: Xander’s cliff comment: “I’m insane. What’s his excuse?”

      Here’s hoping they won’t ruin Spike’s excellent insight-on-human-relationships with his soul insanity thing.

  2. mouseferatu says:

    For what it’s worth, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a deadline of the “We’ll get back to you and let you know if you were selected” type actually prove accurate.

    Not that this makes the waiting any easier…

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I know. I know. The publishing industry is perpetually plagued by tardiness–well, except for Gordon Van Gelder/John Joseph Adams of F&SF, but they’re editorial mutants. You’d think by now I would’ve gotten better at waiting, not worse. Sigh.

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