Had a wonderful evening Friday with yukinooruoni. There was much gabbing and geeking, food munching, and computer wizardry. We also watched Love Actually, a delightful holiday flick and a new favorite of ours since it came out. Alas, both fosteronfilm and my tech skills are woefully obsolete. There’s so much out there we’re just not up-to-date on. Amazingly, progress does not stand still while one is unemployed, imagine that.
Internet connection continues to be unreliable. (Feh Comcast, feh!) And now our FTP client is getting a “receiving call blocked” error when I try to upload changes to my homepage so I’m having to do my updates via Comcast’s website. This would be fine if A. it weren’t slower and B. would accept more than one file at a time. I appear to have offended the Lord High Emperor of Gremlins who has sent a plague of technical difficulties upon me. Debating whether I need to make a blood sacrifice or a technological one in order to appease him. It’s doubtful he’ll be content with cookies . . .
Written up the first wave of Christmas cards to send out tomorrow and entering into frantic mode on the shopping front.
Could barely manage to wake up yesterday whilst on my Adderall weekly “holiday” so I decided not to extend my break for the whole weekend. Popped my lovely 20mg this morning and feel much more chipper and productive. And a bit wired, as may be evidenced in the somewhat disjointed tone of this post.

Writing Stuff
197-day SALE of “Spring Arrives on a Hob’s Tail” to Story Station. Huzzah! This is a cute little tale inspired by Hobkin and his tail. Not sure when it’s due out, but I’m looking forward to it.
New Words: 1000 on “Vain and Vie.”
There’s so much writing I want to do, and so little time. *twitch*
Huzzah on the sale!
Thanks, sweetie!
Congrats on the sale! Looking forward to Vain and Vie – I critted Rue and Ruin yesterday.
Got your critique. Thanks for the excellent feedback!
I think I shall have to enlist your assistance on my newest novel project; I can think of no better reader.
Delighted to offer my input. Send it along!
Umm, I need to start it first… ::hangs head::
What do you mean, “so little time” for writing? I thought your full-time day job was GWTW? And congrats on the sale. Nice to see one come out of the hopper and into the till.
LOVE ACTUALLY is no one of our favorites, too, especially the marathon ending.
“What do you mean, “so little time” for writing?“
It’s the season. Shopping and Christmas planning, plus non-fiction writing obligations, keep cutting into my writing time. I can’t remember how I managed to do this with a day job. Gah!
oh my goodness… I just discovered your skunk belly.
hope you don’t mind if I stick around in the hopes of more fuzzy belly shots. 😉
Welcome! I definitely post Hobkin pictures on a regular basis. And if those don’t give enough of a skunkie-nose fix, I also keep a website devoted to Hobkin and the ferrets we used to have.
ohmahgoodness… he is TOO CUTE! now I’m a skunk addict.
WOOT!!!!! Congratulations on the sale!! :does the dance of the poached egg:
Hmmm…blood or wires–blood or wires–why not both? Strangle some small critter at first light with you computer wires…or not. 🙂
The Dance of the Poached Egg? Ooo, I wish I could see that!
I had similar Comcast woes when we lived in Athens. I don’t envy you as their customer service folks would suffocate if someone were to shut their mouths. But CONGRATS on the sale, Eugie!!
Thanks for the congrats, Lon! Yep, Comcast needs to be dipped in hot sauce and tossed to starving aardvarks.
Love, Actually is one of my holiday favorites also. Love it. Jason and I hold hands any time the “All I Want for Christmas is You” song comes on.
Ahh! I just got that song out of my head and now it’s buzzing through it again. Heh, well it could be worse. At least it’s not the “Christmas is All Around” one.