Columbus Day

I get tomorrow off! I haven’t had Columbus Day off since I was in school. My new job continues to rock my eyeballs. And how’s this for sweet, sweet icing? The Representatives and Senators left on Friday at 2:30, so us Legislative Counsel folks got to too. Half day, woot!


Writing Stuff

basletum interviewed me for SpecMusicMuse. Shiny!

– My October Writing for Young Readers column: “Hi/Lo Books: Writing for Reluctant Readers” is now up at Writing-World.

New Words:
– 500 on the Japanese fantasy, and I’ve come upon a plot snag. Pondering, pondering.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
3,560 / 6,000

– Contract from Faeries for French reprint of “Of Two Minds in Lanais.”
– Contract from Helix.
– Contrib. copy of Grendel Song. Yay!

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9 Responses to Columbus Day

  1. Enjoyed the hi/low article! 😀

  2. terracinque says:

    Re: our schedule being determined by the legislators, even during session we always leave work promptly at 5 on Fridays.

    I think I had overtime on a Friday once last session, and then it was only half an hour.

  3. wishwords says:

    I managed to delete your email address, but wanted to let you know that the chap book from the Apex raffle arrived safe and sound. My mother is keeping them for when I get back to the States. Thank you for offering them.

  4. Glad to see you’re still going strong on the writing front and handling the new job as well. You continue to inspire!

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