fosteronfilm‘s mom called yesterday. His dad’s in the hospital again. It’s not good. He simply can’t get enough oxygen into his system between his lung and heart problems, and there’s nothing they can do for him. It sounds like they’re just trying to make him as comfortable as they can, hooking him up to oxygen, and hoping that he rallies again.
Matthew thinks that we might be making a trip up to Illinois soon.
I’m filled with dread every time I hear the phone ring. I’ve never lost someone really close to me before, someone I love, a parent or dear friend. And my dad-in-law is all of those things to me. I started having a meltdown last night. I’m so not going to be of any use to Matthew. He’s going to have to end up comforting me instead of the other way around.
I’m terrified.
Writing Stuff
New Words:
850 on “A Thread of Silk” and I’m at zero draft. I’ve emailed the editor this story was originally slated for to see if he’ll still consider my submission even though it exceeds the 10K max in his GLs.
11,036 / 10,000
(110.4%) |
Good luck. If your father-in-law can’t regain health, I hope he’s at least peaceful and comfortable.
Thanks, Jay.
I completely understand your anxiety, by the way. I’m 41, and still have all my parents, siblings, close friends, (ex)spouse, child, and so forth. Somehow I’ve been lucky enough to get this far without confronting what you and have to deal with now.
He’s holding up much better than I am. I can’t imagine how he does it. I can’t imagine how anyone does.
Oh, Eugie, I am so sorry. I’ll be thinking of you guys.
Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate it.
I sort of understand what you are going through… right now everytime I hear the phone ring, I think it is amy calling to tell me her dad died…
It’s awful. I’m perpetually on the verge of tears, and my heart lurches every time the phone rings. I hate telemarketers.
you and me both… because I am just waiting to hear amy broken down in tears everytime that phone rings and the machine picks up… and I am on the edge of my seat but in that bad way… but my heart goes out to you and your husband… though I can’t wait to see the two of you in april…
I’m so sorry. It’s so hard to lose someone you’re close to.
If he can’t recover, I hope, at least, that he doesn’t suffer.
Thank you, sweetie. *hugs* His quality of life has been going down for a while, but there are still good days, and he keeps rallying. I want so badly for him to pull of this.
I can’t imagine what it’s like to possibly lose a parent. I was in freak-out-anxiety mode when my mom had her heart surgery, but that was knowing she was in otherwise excellent health.
Sending you and Matthew and his dad good thoughts for healing and comfort.
Thank you, sweetie. I greatly appreciate your continued support
So sorry to hear about your father-in-law’s health. I hope he rallies.
Thanks, Aimee. Me too.
I’m sorry.
Thank you.
*big hug* I’m so sorry for you. It’s not something I’ve had to live through (none of my relatives have died, or if they have, it was before I was born) but I can imagine how scary it is to wait, not knowing if he will pull through. My thoughts go to you and fosteronfilm.
Thanks, Aliette.
My thoughts are with you and your husband.
Thank you.
Oh, Eugie! :hugs: I’ll be praying for him, and for you! :hugs again: I’m so sorry.
*hugs* Thanks, sweetie.
That’s awful. I’m sorry.
Thank you.
Good thoughts heading his way – being breathing impaired myself, I sympathize with him and hope for the best.
Good thoughts to you as well – having just gone through a fatal illness with my own father not two months ago, I can reiterate the “hope for the best” for you as well and add that, at the same time, plan for the worst. As my dad said, “Hey, I might even live through this!”
Thank you. And many, many sympathies for your loss. I don’t know how people get through times like these. .
I’m sorry, Eugie. We’re going through a similar thing, so I sympathize. Drop me an e-mail if you feel like venting.
I wasn’t aware of bad news from your end monkey… hope all is okay and I’m sending some vibes your way.
Thank you, sweetie. I greatly appreciate it.
We are at a spot right now where the phone ringing could mean a new niece/nephew, or it could mean a death in the family. Or, y’know, it could mean someone trying to sell us siding. The uncertainty is a bit tense.
I hope things go as well as possible for your family.
Thank you. The telephone, I suppose, is a necessity, but I’m pretty much left viewing it as either a nuisance or a source of apprehension.
I’m so sorry.
You and your family have my best thoughts.
Thank you.
*hugs* I can totally relate to what you’re going through, as my dad has had a lot of health problems recently and whenever my mom calls, I immediately look at the time and if she’s calling at a time when she’d normally be at work I start to panic. All I can say is: At least you and have each other and you can help each other hold it together. Sometimes you’ll be the stronger one and you’ll be comforting him, and sometimes vice versa. *hugs*
Thank you. Yeah, if the phone rings late in the evening or at night, especially, I get a sick feeling in my stomach. You have my good wishes and thoughts for your dad.
I’m so sorry to see this. I don’t quite know what to say, but I’ll be thinking of you and your family and hoping for the best.
Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate it.
Fingers crossed and big hugs over the pond.
*hugs* Thank you.
Just read the update and still sending the vibes (I mentioned your story on my book list on my LJ too).
I’m so sorry, Eugie. I know how you feel. I got a small taste of it last week when my mother was in the hospital. She’s fine now, but watching her go through two emergency surgeries in two days was unsettling to say the least. My father died when I was fourteen, so I’ve already lost one parent. Whatever happens, just know that your friends are here for you, whether in the flesh or virtually. And writing helps.
Thanks, James. You’re right; writing does help. It’s the best catharsis there is.
I’m very glad your mother’s okay.
Me too! I hope all turns out well with your dad-in-law.
I’m sorry.
It is scary to go through, and it sucks mightily. And the simultaneously crappy, amazing, and wonderful thing about life is that we always come out of these things on the other end. I won’t say “better” or “stronger” or “unchanged,” but we do come out.
My thoughts are with you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the best.
Thank you, sweetie. It’s amazing and awing that people pull through such intense feelings of grief and worry. I don’t know how they do it.
Sheer stubbornness and an indomitable sense of humor help a lot. And cuddly, fuzzy pets.
I know how you feel. I’ve been going through similar stuff with my mom. She’s been in the hospital three times in the past month. I hope he recovers. But if (and considering how tough he seems from what I’ve read in you LJ; that’s a pretty big “if”) he doesn’t, take comfort in knowing that his spirit has gone to a much better realm.
Thanks, Scott.
Hello and welcome.
I am sending supportive and calming thoughts your way. No easy path through this one, but maybe it will help to know we are thinking of you.
Thank you.
Go to Illinois sooner than later, if at all possible. I’ll be thinking of you all.
Thanks, sweetie. We’re still waiting to hear how things are going.