Dragon*Con 2008: Other aftereffects and “A Nose for Magic”

Something I neglected mentioning in my D*C08 write-up is that I had two, possibly three, Daily Dragon staff members come down with what they thought was food poisoning. They were out for a shift but came back within a day, shaky but determined not to miss anymore of Dragon*Con or another of their assigned desk shifts.

When I hear “food poisoning,” I tend to figure I’m pretty safe as I don’t eat meat, and most such poisoning episodes can be attributed to meat consumption. What I didn’t add to the equation is that the daughter of another of my Daily Dragon staff was recovering from the flu and that there’s been a lot of flu making the rounds this last month—also that this year the flu shots were pretty ineffective, missing the major strains.

I no longer believe the distress afflicting my staff was due to food poisoning. Rather, my main circle of convention interaction seems instead to have been plague-ridden. And, because my immune system is the stupidest immune system in the world, a fairly mild ailment which knocks regular folks out for a day flattened me for three. (*grumble* stupid human suit *grumble*)

So yeah, I had an uncomfortable weekend, and I’m still a bit wobbly. Also, my voice hasn’t come back yet, although my co-editors and husband assure me that I sound much less like a toad than I did last week. However, it means I got absolutely nothing accomplished all weekend. Ergo, I am playing catch up on my efforts to catch up from Dragon*Con.



Writing Stuff

• Contrib. copies of The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction: 13 Prize Winning Tales with my story, “A Nose for Magic.” Shiny cover:

“A Nose for Magic” is one I’m particularly fond of as it was directly inspired by Hobkin. After reading this newest one (he read it in zero draft, but I tend not to subject him to the final versions as I figure he’s already doing “above and beyond” duty as my eternal first reader) fosteronfilm said that I should have a collection of skunk stories published. I laughed, ‘cuz who would want to buy a collection of skunk-inspired short stories? Also, I didn’t think I had written enough of them to fill a collection. But actually, when I opened up my story logs spreadsheet, I think I actually may. But I’m still left with the question, would anyone actually want to buy a collection of skunk and skunk-inspired stories? Hmmm.

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4 Responses to Dragon*Con 2008: Other aftereffects and “A Nose for Magic”

  1. noelleleithe says:

    Oh, you poor thing! My sister had the crud 2 weeks before D*C (which certainly acted like mild flu if it wasn’t), and we had all efforts going to try to keep me from coming down with it. Seems to have worked, thankfully.

    *waits impatiently for new flu shots to start*

  2. ogre_san says:

    Sorry to hear you’ve been sick.

  3. endelarin says:

    Sorry you’ve been sick. 🙁 I just got over some kind of nasty flu-thing myself.

    Here’s something to cheer you: I just got my copies of the anthology and “A Nose for Magic” was the story I read first. Went straight for it, because I so love your stories. That one had me laughing out loud. Funniest thing I’ve read in a long time!

  4. Sorry we spread our germs around. You may be right, as I had more trouble kicking what I thought was food poisoning with at least one relapse within the week. Hope you are fit soon.

    I’ll have to look for the antho. Sounds delightful. As for a collection of skunk-inspired stories selling? You might be starting a new trend!

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