My lower back has been hurting of late, I suspect a situation aggravated by poor sleep (not to mention an utterly sedentary lifestyle). So I took some Ibuprofen and a Clonazepam last night to whammy my muscles into submission. It mostly worked, but left me feeling wobbly this morning. I therefore slammed two cups of coffee with breakfast and took an Aleve to dull the remaining back pains. Started having trouble breathing after lunch, so had a couple hits from my inhaler, which also is a potent stimulant.
I’m thinking it’s not the healthiest of practices to offset the effects of one drug with another. I spent today twitchy, nauseated, woozy, and sniffly. And my back still hurts.
Glad it’s the weekend. I need time to come down.
Writing Stuff:
I’m up at Critters. Hurray. Did a critique (for your story, britzkrieg) and loaded the “Princess” fantasy into the queue. Will ask Andrew to bump it up next week.
Received confirmation from Brutarian that my story was never received–probably eaten by the editor’s spam filter. Debated whether I should re-send, but did so anyway. But between their sundry editor/publisher dirty laundry issues and the difficulty of getting email reliably through to them, I’m thinking of knocking them off my “submit to” list.
Also 135-day “nice stuff here but . . . ” from Talebones with apology for the long wait. Sigh. At least it wasn’t lost in transit.
Word count: 500ish. Taking a break on the SF story as I’m supremely dissatisfied with where it’s going. Instead, I saw that both jack_yoniga and dys7topia are running flash fiction contests on their respective LJs. Flash brainstorming ensued.
Club 100 for Writers
20/100 – One fifth of the way to my goal.
Lower back pain, huh? Maybe it’s time for a massage. I’m getting one tomorrow. 🙂
Thanks in advance for your review! The response to this version on OWW leads me to believe that I need to ratchet up the tension somewhat. I have a couple of ideas about how to do that, but I’ll have to make sure I don’t break something by fixing something else.