Early Morning Waking

Slightly (only slightly) hung over, but definitely in need of more sleeping . . . and yet I’m wide awake.

dude_the‘s plane was delayed due to the bits of rain we had yesterday, but he arrived at last, safe and sound. He, arkhamrefugee, Matthew, and even Hobkin, are all asleep throughout the house after a late night of chatting, movie-viewing (we watched Snatch, courtesy dude_the who brought a pile of DVDs with), drinking, and hot tub soaking. Well, Hobkin didn’t do much drinking or hot tubbing, but all the new people in the house were pretty exciting to his wee brain.

Probably not wise of me to go into Fantasm already suffering the effects of celebratory excess, but hey, too late now to do anything about it. Although forcing myself to nap for another couple hours seems like it would be a wise course of action to take.

Writing Stuff

Still vibrating about the agent thing. Got an email from him yesterday afternoon. He’s already submitted my manuscript to two publishers. Squee! (Ow, too early in the morning to squee. Ooof.)

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7 Responses to Early Morning Waking

  1. cricketshay says:

    Hello! recommended that I add you to my friends list. Congratulations on finding an agent!!!

  2. cmpriest says:

    is never too early to squee!
    squee away!

  3. sdowens says:

    He’s already submitted it? I always thought that agents usually have you revise your novels even further based on their suggestions before submitting. Your manuscript must have really won him over.

    • jack_yoniga says:

      They suggest revisions when they think they’re necessary to sell the book. My agent has never requested revisions, but he’s made suggestions for chapter structure/length, etc. It’s more likely that a publisher will want revisions—sometimes quite substantial—than an agent will. The way I figure this is that if the agent thought there was a lot of work to be done on a novel, he’d pass on it, ’cause it wouldn’t be worth his time. Especially with a new, unproven writer.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Yeah, what said. I asked my agent if he thought my book needed any editorial revisions or tweaks, and he said he thought it was great as is. He also said that he tends to view projects on a macro level–the characters, storyline, tension, etc.–and lets the editors/publishers make more Micro suggestions since editorial opinion varies from editor to editor, house to house. He really liked my book! Squee! *ow, wince*

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