Eeee! Double sale day!

I just went out to the mailbox and got a letter from Cricket. They’re buying my story “The Tanuki-Kettle.” Double sale day! Woo!!

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52 Responses to Eeee! Double sale day!

  1. britzkrieg says:

    Congratulations — again! Damn, woman!

  2. britzkrieg says:

    Congratulations — again! Damn, woman!

  3. matociquala says:



  4. matociquala says:



  5. sdowens says:

    Double-day sale? I miss those.

  6. sdowens says:

    Double-day sale? I miss those.

  7. pegkerr says:

    Excellent news! Huzzah!

  8. pegkerr says:

    Excellent news! Huzzah!

  9. mr_zeugma says:

    Beats the hell out of “No Sale” day, now don’t it?

    Congrats on your windfall.

  10. mr_zeugma says:

    Beats the hell out of “No Sale” day, now don’t it?

    Congrats on your windfall.

  11. Yay! Congratulations!

  12. Yay! Congratulations!

  13. cmpriest says:

    jealous, green-with-envy congratulations!

  14. cmpriest says:

    jealous, green-with-envy congratulations!

  15. aimeempayne says:

    Congratulations, Eugie! I really liked “The Tanuki Kettle.” That tanuki was such a charmer.

  16. aimeempayne says:

    Congratulations, Eugie! I really liked “The Tanuki Kettle.” That tanuki was such a charmer.

  17. lanyn says:

    Double-sale day!! Now that’s a great way to start February! Keep it up.

  18. lanyn says:

    Double-sale day!! Now that’s a great way to start February! Keep it up.

  19. Whoo Hoo, Eugie!!!

    ~Maggie 🙂

  20. Whoo Hoo, Eugie!!!

    ~Maggie 🙂

  21. elmwood says:

    Amazing Day

    I think this calls for a bit of Jabberwocky, Eugie!

    Oh, frabjous day,
    Calloo, Callay!

    When will So Fey be out? I read one of Mr October’s stories in The Faerie Reel and would like to get hold of this anthology he’s working on. It sounds fascinating.


  22. elmwood says:

    Amazing Day

    I think this calls for a bit of Jabberwocky, Eugie!

    Oh, frabjous day,
    Calloo, Callay!

    When will So Fey be out? I read one of Mr October’s stories in The Faerie Reel and would like to get hold of this anthology he’s working on. It sounds fascinating.


    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Amazing Day


      said the publication date of So Fey wasn’t set yet, but he was thinking probably Spring of 2006? I’m not sure now. The phone call is something of a blur!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Amazing Day


      said the publication date of So Fey wasn’t set yet, but he was thinking probably Spring of 2006? I’m not sure now. The phone call is something of a blur!

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