Fantasm Day (night) 2

Went to sleep at 3:30AM, woke up at 8:30. Damn sun! Everyone else, comatose. Posting a pastiche of pictures and events from yesterday. Coherency low. Pictures, shiny.


Whee! jackzodiac, tstauffer, Andrew Greenberg, and me in The Hero is a Monster and then jackzodiac, tstauffer, and me on a panel ostensibly on Short Stories, but which we just rambled on about the biz of writing, and praised Harlan Ellison.

ghostgrrl continued to rock as Ink Track director, taking good care of us all.


jackzodiac got tapped as judge of the Ms. Fantasm pageant again. Our pictures ended up crap because of the lighting. But jackzodiac was happy with his appointed task, which is the important thing.


Masquerade Ball!

To my utter surprise, I was nominated for an award for my costume. Shocked and amused, I wandered up on the stage. Whee! But dammit, no pictures of me on our camera.

Room parties:
Whereupon Matthew, dude_the, jackzodiac, and I got utterly liquored up. Gabbed merrily with wicked_wish and moriarty6 who, for some reason, needed a haircut during the middle of Fantasm. Cherie said something about “must remove hobbit mullet.” It was indeed a nice hair cut. Met new people, Amy and Scooter, and ran into con family, Melanie and Hugh. Party games:

dude_the receiving a body shot from Amy.

There was elevator trouble. What is it about Fantasm and hotel elevators?! The unfortunate convention tradition brought in the irate Fire Marshall who started closing down parties. As discretion is the better part of not-being-arrested, our intrepid band of adventurers retreated to Hugh and Melanie’s room to continue with our merry adventures.

I amused myself by taking pictures of folks being utterly shit-faced.

dude_the utterly and totally bombed.

Matthew, nicely toasted.

Scooter, blinkingly buzzed.

Amy, delightfully glowing.

jackzodiac (and his lolly), who could no longer feel his face.

But, of course, we ended up being in trouble with the law anyway. Or at least jackzodiac did. Well, maybe trouble isn’t quite the right word:

We called it a night . . . eventually. dude_the was visited by the Gods of Alcoholic Retribution. I am awake. Oog. My eyes are red and blurry.

Ready for Day 3! Charge! *thump*

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8 Responses to Fantasm Day (night) 2

  1. lilithraevyn says:

    The panda bear costume is adorable!
    You must find someone who has pictures of you! 🙂

  2. valiskeogh says:

    eugie so sexy…


  3. ex_girlmech says:

    loving the pictures!

  4. pyanfar says:

    heeheehee, yay for glowing!

    ps, friended ya!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      It was great meeting you and partying with you at Fantasm! Hope to see you at Dragon*Con.

      And I friended you back!

      • pyanfar says:

        yay, thank you! and i will definitely be at Dragon this year. already set with Scaper roomies in a suite in the Hyatt (hell yeah!) and this year i believe i shall bring more funky clothing to wear, heehee!


  5. jackzodiac says:

    I believe that is the best picture of me on a panel ever… I look some what intelligent in it…


  6. tstauffer says:

    *lol* Hey, why is everyone looking at *me*? Surely I’m not that entertaining. 🙂

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