Firefly and writing progress

Spent the day with dire_Epiphany, her hubby, and son, watching all the Firefly episodes that Fox aired in their proper order. dire_epiphany made food! Lasagna and fruit salad and salad. Yummy! And they brought ice tea and even plates and silverware! All we had to do was dig in. Wonderful food, excellent company, and great entertainment. What better way to spend a day?

And I really want to slap around the Fox execs. Not only for canceling the show, but for putting the ones they did deign to show out of order. Ffft. But there’s serious talk of a Firefly movie to wrap up all the loose ends. Crossed fingers and hoping that’ll come together.

On top of that, I managed to crank out 1K on a new horror piece. Got this one outlined out, so I know where I want to take it. My main problem is the huge squick factor it’s got. It’s so squicky I feel like I have to distance myself in order to write it. But I want to tell this story. It’s inspired by real life events that are so awful that I want to write about them in order to get out the anger and horror I felt when I heard about it.

In a nutshell: we got a letter from the HSUS asking for more money, as we often do, but this one documented the truly chilling story of a pet dog in Texas that had been kidnapped from his own yard and then had his eyes gouged out. The dog was dumped and managed to find his way back home where his family discovered him, blinded and barely alive, on their porch. They rushed him to a vet and it looks like he’ll live. But they still haven’t found the person who did it.

The only good that came out of this was that because of what happened, with the help of the HSUS, the family lobbied to make such acts of extreme animal cruelty and abuse a felony in Texas. It hadn’t been before.

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4 Responses to Firefly and writing progress

  1. Not only for canceling the show, but for putting the ones they did deign to show out of order.

    ::Nods:: Agreed!

  2. Squick – what a fabulous, underused word!

    I have a short short (about 675 words) that I wrote a few years ago that is very squicky. I wrote it after dealing with one of the freaks. I wrote it to help me deal with the anger and pain that I felt after dealing with a monster that tried to pass himself off as human. David is the only person that’s ever read it. I am not sure anyone else would understand it, or why it was written.

    You say you feel you have to distance yourself in order to write it. Do you mean from the acts within the story, or from your own anger and horror?

    In either case, I feel like writing about it will definately be self-healing, I know my story was for me.

    I wish I could say I was surprised with how sinister humans can become. It’s unfortunate that it seems to take sinister behavior to bring change about.

    On a less depressing note, we had a fantastic time Saturday! 🙂

    • Eugie Foster says:

      You say you feel you have to distance yourself in order to write it. Do you mean from the acts within the story, or from your own anger and horror?

      Mostly my own reactions. I want to tap into my emotions in order to get them on the page, but if I dwell too much on them, they overwhelm me and I can’t do anything productive, writing-wise.

      On a less depressing note, we had a fantastic time Saturday! 🙂

      Us too! We should definitely make some time to get together again soon! Err, aside from Dragon*Con, of course, where we will see a lot of each other, probably all of us looking rather frazzled and stressed to the brim.

      • I completely understand, I get very unproductive myself if I dwell on those sort of emotions for too long. I think, like all of your work, it will turn out brilliantly. I hope it helps bring you some peace over the atrociousness of the story.

        Yea, we definately should get together again sometime! And yes, other than Dragon*Con, since I am sure I will be very frazzled. Although, I am endeavoring to make everything run smoother this year. (You would think after 10 years there, I could make everything go smoothly, if only other people would stop messing up my plans! heh) 🙂

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