GABPC: up at the buttcrack of dawn

Up way, way too early. *groan* I heard owls, owls hooting as I was brushing my teeth. Whoever coordinated the Georgia Big Picture Conference (GABPC) is obviously a morning person. And they scheduled fosteronfilm for a 9AM panel. Oof.

fosteronfilm assured me that I did not, as it were, resemble a refugee from an anime show, so I did without a hat and went with him to the meet-n-greet for the guests of the GABPC. We met. We gret. Then we came home and watched animated rabbit carnage (aka Watership Down).

Must shamble off and wake up the hubby now.


Writing Stuff

Got the contract for “Sins of the Mother” from Dark Cloud Press. I’ll sign and send it back on Monday.

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13 Responses to GABPC: up at the buttcrack of dawn

  1. mouseferatu says:

    *contemplates responding to the “anime refugee” comment with something about traditional anime outfits, decides against it*


    On an unrelated note, do you know of any way other than e-mail to get in touch with the folks at Black Gate? It’s been many, many months since I sent them “None So Blind,” and I’ve heard nothing–good, bad, or indifferent. Sent an e-mail asking for status, got bupkis there, too.

    Thoughts? Suggestions? Boots to the head?

  2. keesa_renee says:

    Mmm, owls. Did you hear whip-poor-wills, too? (If ever there was a bird whose cry came straight out of a fantasy novel, it’s the whip-poor-will.)

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I didn’t this morning, but I’ve heard them from our house before. Not sure if I’d be able to identify a whippoorwill from a swallow on sight, but they do have a distinctive song!

      • keesa_renee says:

        :grins: Well, for starters, whippoorwills don’t have the swallow’s trademark forked tail. 😀 I’ve never actually seen a whippoorwill in person, but I have seen pictures…they’re very nice, but unremarkable. Their song is certainly what makes them stand out!

  3. Owls in the morning? Hmm. Sure it wasn’t a mourning dove?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Carnage and congrats

    LOL. Had to after reading your line on Watership Down. My younger sister had nightmares after seeing that film the first time.

    On a different note, congrats on the contracts. I’ll have to read your earlier posts to find out when you received the acceptances.


  5. horrordiva says:

    Ooooo, what a beautiful picture you have up! I mean…they all are beautiful pics of you, but this one is a stunner!!

    Congrats on Sins of the Mother!!

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