Hobkin Pix: DIY Oxygen Box

Home oxygen box seems to be working out:

Hobkin resting comfy at home in our DIY oxygen box.

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5 Responses to Hobkin Pix: DIY Oxygen Box

  1. gillpolack says:

    This is very reassuring. May he mend well and soon!

  2. I really wish you the best of luck with this.

    It’s good that you’re with him. When Alba was sick, the vet told us we shouldn’t take her out, and if we left her in her cage, she might rest enough to heal. She kept jumping toward people whenever she saw them because she was sick and wanted comforting, but we left her, to follow the vet’s instructions. I don’t regret it, exactly — it was the best we knew to do — but I think it’s what hurt most when she died anyway.

    I hope Hobkin does much better (the vet said he thought Alba had a tumor that stopped her, and that’s not Hobkin’s problem, so the situations aren’t parallel at all). But even if things go bad, you’ll know you’ve been with him, and that must be some help. I’d think.

    Good thoughts in your direction.

  3. I hope he improves much over the weekend.

  4. jreynolds says:

    I’m glad he’s getting better. Hang in there!

  5. alanajoli says:

    What a cutie! Glad he’s doing better.

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