Wingstubs hurting me a lot these last couple days. Not helping my stymied writing mindset. But, since it hurts to make words, I give you pictures!
It’s Hobkin’s birthday tomorrow. The lil guy will be four years old.
Hmm. He looks a bit depressed. Is four a big milestone year among skunks, I wonder?
I don’t think he wants a lot of fanfare for this birthday. I bet he’ll feel differently when it’s cake time.
Writing Stuff
I saw on the Galaktika website that #193 is out with my story “All in My Mind” in it, in Hungarian. Looking forward to getting my contrib. copies . . . and check. The cover’s very SFnal shiny:
– An editing tweak request for my Aegri Somnia story, “Nothing of Me.” Pondering.
– Note from the Modern Magic editor asking me to confirm my mailing address for my contrib. copy. Must be getting close now . . .
Mmmmmmmmmmm… space navy sci-fi!
Have you submitted any of his photos to
I hadn’t before, but at your suggestion, I did indeed send a few to her. We’ll see if she thinks he’s as cute as I think he is.
Happy birthday, Hobkin! And woo on the shiny magazine! 🙂
Thanks! On both our behalfs.
Poor Hobkin…he looks depressed at getting one year older…
The illustration on the cover of Galaktika is the only thing I understand (that, and the authors’ names…) 🙂
“The illustration on the cover of Galaktika is the only thing I understand“
Me too! I’m pretty much reduced to “ooo, it’s my byline!” But that’ll do . . . along with the check .
Happy Birthday to Hobkin!
I’ll send a few creativity fairies for him to play with since the little wenches haven’t been doing me much good lately…
As long as you don’t mind them chewed up and ragged, I’m sure he’ll be happy for the b-day present.
off the subject:
i found your journal through a friend of a friend (I dont write on lj anymore, but like to read others’ journals…), and went to your profile cause of the skunk (see, i admitted it though), and saw your link to the animal rescue site, and clicked on it, and i’ve been meaning to look into adopting a dog, and here’s what the purpose is of this long and rambling run-on comment is: thanks for putting the link in there. it jumpstarted me ( : ive wanted a dog for.ever. i said i was going to seriously look into adopting one after i came back from vacation in march, and here i am, no puppy dog. please thank hobkin for me! (and please please tell me how you happened to be owning a skunk, albeit one who’s bday you somehow know?! its killing me!)
Re: off the subject:
Glad you found the link helpful. I adore dogs, unfortunately I’m very allergic to them.
“and please please tell me how you happened to be owning a skunk, albeit one who’s bday you somehow know?!
We got Hobkin as a baby from a skunk breeder in Iowa. He’s a domesticated skunk, descended from many generations of likewise domesticated skunks, not a wild rescue. He’s got papers even, so we know the exact day he was born.
If you’d like to read more about how we came to have a pet skunk, I’ve got a website for him here.
Re: off the subject:
well how bout that. they say you learn something new every day…
do domesticated skunks somehow not have that spray-instinct, or are they “de-sprayered”???
and im pretty sure we dont have skunk/fox/lynx breeders of any kind in jersey, mass market or otherwise!
Re: off the subject:
“do domesticated skunks somehow not have that spray-instinct, or are they “de-sprayered”“
Pet skunks are surgically de-scented, normally at around four weeks of age, so they can’t spray. Otherwise, they would be pretty scary to have inside a house.
“and im pretty sure we dont have skunk/fox/lynx breeders of any kind in jersey, mass market or otherwise!
Actually, you do: Schooley’s Mountain Skunk Works in central New Jersey.
Re: off the subject:
i am surely over my knowledge limit for the day ( ; i am going to look at a terrier mix puppy at a shelter in n jersey (im in s jersey) on sunday ( :
Awww! Happy birthday, Hobby-kins! (I know, it’s embarrassing, but I talk like that to my kitties all the time.) I bet my cat Dylan (pictured here) would love hanging out with Hobkins. I can’t make the same claim for the skunk, though.
Hee! I talk that way to Hobkin too. I actually think he likes it. Or at least he knows I’m talking to him, specifically, when I do it, since my voice is higher and I repeat things more. Baby-talk is actually functional for both babies and critters!
Happy Birthday to my favorite skunk!!
Aww! Hobkin thanks you.
So sorry to hear that you’re hurting. ::HUGS:: I hope you feel better soon.
Happy Birthday to Hobkin!
Thank you, from both of us!
For Hobkin….
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little fuzzbutt! I love April cause all of my guys were born this month! We just have one big part and invite all the local skunks to come join us. I think 3 is a milestone, actually. All of mine hit 3 and just start to really slow down. Trinity is getting even more so as she would have shown in the senior category this year had we gone to a show. It just feels like yesterday that we got her. I wish they had longer lifespans!!!
Re: For Hobkin….
Is a “senior” considered to be five years+ for skunks? I can’t remember. Five seems way too young to be an “old” skunk. I try not to dwell on how uncertain everyone seems to be with regard to how long pet skunkies can live, but when I think of how short their lives are in the wild, I just want to bawl.
Re: For Hobkin….
According to the people who plan the skunk shows, 6 is considered the beginning for senior. I do not allow myself to believe it, though. My skunks are going to live forever, right? I have already lost one far too young, so I really do not want to go through that again anytime soon.
Okay, it’s Saturday today! Happy Birthday Hobkin!! 😀
Thanks, sweetie!
Awwwww, wook at the cute wittle skunkie! Happy birthday, Hobkin!
:hugs: to you, Eugie…so sorry the wingstubs are acting up!
Hobkin sez *snurfle* and I sez thank you.