Hobkin’s 4th B-day: tomorrow

Wingstubs hurting me a lot these last couple days. Not helping my stymied writing mindset. But, since it hurts to make words, I give you pictures!

It’s Hobkin’s birthday tomorrow. The lil guy will be four years old.

Hmm. He looks a bit depressed. Is four a big milestone year among skunks, I wonder?

I don’t think he wants a lot of fanfare for this birthday. I bet he’ll feel differently when it’s cake time.


Writing Stuff

I saw on the Galaktika website that #193 is out with my story “All in My Mind” in it, in Hungarian. Looking forward to getting my contrib. copies . . . and check. The cover’s very SFnal shiny:

– An editing tweak request for my Aegri Somnia story, “Nothing of Me.” Pondering.
– Note from the Modern Magic editor asking me to confirm my mailing address for my contrib. copy. Must be getting close now . . .

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30 Responses to Hobkin’s 4th B-day: tomorrow

  1. Mmmmmmmmmmm… space navy sci-fi!

  2. t_rex says:

    Have you submitted any of his photos to cuteoverload.com?

  3. lizziebelle says:

    Happy birthday, Hobkin! And woo on the shiny magazine! 🙂

  4. aliettedb says:

    Poor Hobkin…he looks depressed at getting one year older…

    The illustration on the cover of Galaktika is the only thing I understand (that, and the authors’ names…) 🙂

    • Eugie Foster says:

      The illustration on the cover of Galaktika is the only thing I understand

      Me too! I’m pretty much reduced to “ooo, it’s my byline!” But that’ll do . . . along with the check .

  5. basletum says:

    Happy Birthday to Hobkin!

    I’ll send a few creativity fairies for him to play with since the little wenches haven’t been doing me much good lately…

  6. luckycheeks says:

    off the subject:

    i found your journal through a friend of a friend (I dont write on lj anymore, but like to read others’ journals…), and went to your profile cause of the skunk (see, i admitted it though), and saw your link to the animal rescue site, and clicked on it, and i’ve been meaning to look into adopting a dog, and here’s what the purpose is of this long and rambling run-on comment is: thanks for putting the link in there. it jumpstarted me ( : ive wanted a dog for.ever. i said i was going to seriously look into adopting one after i came back from vacation in march, and here i am, no puppy dog. please thank hobkin for me! (and please please tell me how you happened to be owning a skunk, albeit one who’s bday you somehow know?! its killing me!)

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: off the subject:

      Glad you found the link helpful. I adore dogs, unfortunately I’m very allergic to them.

      and please please tell me how you happened to be owning a skunk, albeit one who’s bday you somehow know?!

      We got Hobkin as a baby from a skunk breeder in Iowa. He’s a domesticated skunk, descended from many generations of likewise domesticated skunks, not a wild rescue. He’s got papers even, so we know the exact day he was born.

      If you’d like to read more about how we came to have a pet skunk, I’ve got a website for him here.

      • luckycheeks says:

        Re: off the subject:

        well how bout that. they say you learn something new every day…

        do domesticated skunks somehow not have that spray-instinct, or are they “de-sprayered”???

        and im pretty sure we dont have skunk/fox/lynx breeders of any kind in jersey, mass market or otherwise!

        • Eugie Foster says:

          Re: off the subject:

          do domesticated skunks somehow not have that spray-instinct, or are they “de-sprayered”

          Pet skunks are surgically de-scented, normally at around four weeks of age, so they can’t spray. Otherwise, they would be pretty scary to have inside a house.

          and im pretty sure we dont have skunk/fox/lynx breeders of any kind in jersey, mass market or otherwise!

          Actually, you do: Schooley’s Mountain Skunk Works in central New Jersey.

          • luckycheeks says:

            Re: off the subject:

            i am surely over my knowledge limit for the day ( ; i am going to look at a terrier mix puppy at a shelter in n jersey (im in s jersey) on sunday ( :

  7. Awww! Happy birthday, Hobby-kins! (I know, it’s embarrassing, but I talk like that to my kitties all the time.) I bet my cat Dylan (pictured here) would love hanging out with Hobkins. I can’t make the same claim for the skunk, though.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Hee! I talk that way to Hobkin too. I actually think he likes it. Or at least he knows I’m talking to him, specifically, when I do it, since my voice is higher and I repeat things more. Baby-talk is actually functional for both babies and critters!

  8. Happy Birthday to my favorite skunk!!

  9. So sorry to hear that you’re hurting. ::HUGS:: I hope you feel better soon.

    Happy Birthday to Hobkin!

  10. alijt says:

    For Hobkin….

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little fuzzbutt! I love April cause all of my guys were born this month! We just have one big part and invite all the local skunks to come join us. I think 3 is a milestone, actually. All of mine hit 3 and just start to really slow down. Trinity is getting even more so as she would have shown in the senior category this year had we gone to a show. It just feels like yesterday that we got her. I wish they had longer lifespans!!!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: For Hobkin….

      Is a “senior” considered to be five years+ for skunks? I can’t remember. Five seems way too young to be an “old” skunk. I try not to dwell on how uncertain everyone seems to be with regard to how long pet skunkies can live, but when I think of how short their lives are in the wild, I just want to bawl.

      • alijt says:

        Re: For Hobkin….

        According to the people who plan the skunk shows, 6 is considered the beginning for senior. I do not allow myself to believe it, though. My skunks are going to live forever, right? I have already lost one far too young, so I really do not want to go through that again anytime soon.

  11. Okay, it’s Saturday today! Happy Birthday Hobkin!! 😀

  12. keesa_renee says:

    Awwwww, wook at the cute wittle skunkie! Happy birthday, Hobkin!

    :hugs: to you, Eugie…so sorry the wingstubs are acting up!

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