Sheesh, where did the weekend go? Monday again, yuck. Watched Blade II yesterday on DVD (cheers, NetFlix). I’ve been in a shiny-but-vacuous movie sort of mood, of late. But hey, they’re all fitting for the season. This last bunch has all suffered from a huge dearth in decent scripts. Is all the money going into the flashy EFX so the production companies have to cut corners on the screenplay? Apparently.
Writing Stuff:
Got my sales fix today! Sold my short story “Perfidious Beauty” to the Embark to Madness anthology. Rah!
And, because the universe wants to keep me humble, also received an 11-day “There’s nice writing here, but–” from JJA of F&SF, a 3-day reject from Lenox Ave, and a spinal injury-inducing 1-day “doesn’t meet our present needs” from Surreal. *wince*
How did it get to be Monday?
I seem to have misplaced the weekend myself. And I have a stack of critters stories to read. Haven’t started yet. I feel that deadline creeping up on me!
Re: How did it get to be Monday?
Me too, on the stack of Critters stories to read. I think I might be skipping this week unless I do some tonight, which seems unlikely . . .
Congrats on your sale!
And isn’t it horrible when F&SF gets your hopes up and then cruelly dash them? 11 days. I’d be pinging around the room waiting to pop open the champagne if JJA held one of mine that long…
Thank you!
“And isn’t it horrible when F&SF gets your hopes up“
Heh, my hopes are no longer raised by F&SF. I’m in a sort of resigned mindset to the inevitable “no grabby.” I think I submit to them out of a sense of obligation. Although I do miss the “alas”es I used to get from GVG. *sigh*
I’m glad it wasn’t just me that lost the weekend. I blinked and it was gone. I was gonna finish this short story and now it’s Monday evening. Sheesh. Where do you get your energy to write? lol Bottle it and I’ll buy. 🙂
“Where do you get your energy to write?“
Energy? What energy? I get trapped on the couch by a napping skunk after work and have the option of either watching some really bad reality show, or writing !
Comments (duh 😉
RE: movies.
Of course. Multi-million dollar drug habits have to paid, eh? 🙂
Congrats on the sale. As for the rejection…whom are you sending it next?
Re: Comments (duh 😉
“As for the rejection…whom are you sending it next?“
Not sure. Need to peruse my logs and see what’s next on my “to send” lists for those stories.