As celebration of recent productivity, fosteronfilm and I had gin and tonics last night. Then I fell asleep. I had one drink, and that was it. I’m an embarrassingly cheap drunk. It was yummy, though.
Writing Stuff
89-day “well-written and original . . .premise was intriguing . . . however” with invite to submit again from John O’Neill of Black Gate. Sigh. But another market just opened up which I think might be a better fit for this one.
Did a couple passes on the Korean folktale and it’s ready for Matthew to first reader. Been perusing Korean folklore, but got side-tracked by some Japanese tales. Then there was gin. Now I’m debating what I want to work on next, another folktale or picking up one of the many WIPs that are lying strewn like triage flotsam on my hard drive.
I just can’t drink gin…
“Then there was gin”
I don’t even drink gin and this brought a smile to my face.
Ugh. Gin…>:P
Now some irish cream…That I could go for.
apropos of nothing…
I adore your mood icons! Where did you find them? (I promise not to steal them unless you say it’s ok. But so cute!)
Re: apropos of nothing…
They’re from the webcomic Two Lumps by James Grant () and Mel Hynes ( ) syndicated to LJ as , which I follow religiously. The creators say it’s cool to go ahead and swipe the mood icons, so have at it!