Eugie’s to do list:
• At the day job, the new Official Code of Georgia Annotated supplements and volumes came back from the publishers.
•Guest bios need editing for the Dragon*Con program book, deadline Aug. 7.
•Daily Dragon prep is in full swing.
And it’s official, my hamsters overfloweth. Again.
Let me know if you need help with any of the D*C stuff. 🙂
Actually, I do! Um, I sent an email to your gmail addy this morning. Did you get it?
Hrm. No. It’s shannonnoelle at gmail; maybe a typo?
Ah, oops, the middle two n’s got me. Also probably why I didn’t get a reply to my other Dragon*Con note last week. Resending both!
*awed look* Are your hamsters members of G-Force?? *whisper*
That’s just what I need, ninja hamsters with gadgets. Aaaaahhhhh!