cantstopthedawn pointed me to a new LJ community: iloveskunksmore. It’s dedicated to pet skunks! Hurray! ‘Bout time, I sez.
I’m rather loopy right now. Took a full strength Clonazepam and am now all giggly and inebriated. Like being drunk but without the alcohol. I think Matthew’s exasperated with me.
I feel like doing something silly. Maybe cartoons are in order.
Hope you are feeling better
Don’t you hate it when the side effects of meds are almost as annoying as the pain. I have been having pain and stiffness in neck and arms, making writing very hard. When I take Lortab and Antiinflamitory med, I just zone and sleep and don’t write. Sigh.
Re: Hope you are feeling better
Definitely! It’s a balancing act, matching the side effects against the benefits. But at least I always have the option. Sometimes the illusion of control is better than any treatment.