Mini reunion

Went out to eat with my high school buddy for dinner. He’s staying at a hotel right across the street from the Fox theater, so that was the area of food selection. Went to Mick’s hoping for their grilled portabello mushroom sandwich. Alas, that option has been removed from their menu, to be replaced by the not-nearly-as-yummy roasted veggie sandwich. Tipped off by the waiter that the replacement was rather rubbery and vile, we opted for the fried green tomatoes sammich, which while tasty, was no grilled portabello mushroom. Well fooie. That was one of my favorite food-item-between-two-slices-of-bread in town.

There was much chatting on various topics. And reminiscing, especially on the topic of people I have not thought upon for many, many years. It was fun, and quite surreal. I’m still dwelling on the experience and my reactions thereof.


Writing Stuff

Received the edits and approved them for “The Wiggly People” (in the Thou Shalt Not anthology). The editor informs me that he plans to send the contract out this weekend. If I recall correctly, this one is also a “pay on acceptance” so perhaps money may be forthcoming shortly. That would be nice.

Also found out that the Embark to Madness anthology with my story “Perfidious Beauty” in it is out. Hurray! Now to begin the when-is-my-contrib-copy-going-to-come? dance. For anyone interested in purchasing this lovely tome, it’s available from for the low, low price of $12.95.

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13 Responses to Mini reunion

  1. terracinque says:

    He’s staying at a hotel right across the street from the Fox theater, so that was the area of food selection.

    The Georgian Terrace or the one next door to it?

    I think more places should serve portabello sandwiches. Even fast-food restaurants.

    Apropos of nothing, I’m digging the new icons you’ve been using. They make with the pretty.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      The Georgian Terrace or the one next door to it?

      That’s the one.

      I think more places should serve portabello sandwiches. Even fast-food restaurants.

      I totally agree. I’d actually show my face in a McDonalds if they served portabello. Like that’s going to happen. Ffft.

      Apropos of nothing, I’m digging the new icons you’ve been using. They make with the pretty.

      Aw shucks. Thank you, kind sir.

      And hey, when should we expect you tomorrow?

    • dude_the says:

      Portabello Sandwich

      I would request that they be grilled portabello sandwiches that they add. I had the misfortune of running across a cold portabello and various other veggies sandwich in Vegas. It was… unpleasantly slimy. *shudder*


  2. rigel_kent says:

    It was fun, and quite surreal

    I grok you,
    A few weeks ago we had an old high school friend of mine and her husband that came to town for a wedding over for a few hours. I had a very hard time reconciling the somewhat giggley 17-year-old girl I remember with the 36-year-old mother of two that was sitting in my living room. It was fun and I wished they could have stayed longer, but I was somewhat knocked for a loop for a day or two.

  3. Anonymous says:



    Is it me, or did the formatting change for your blog?


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