Woke up early this morning from a very vivid dream that I had overslept and was late. I hate those. I seem to be having some major issues with my sleep patterns of late. Doesn’t make me a happy camper.
When I got to work, my network drive connections went totally wonky, so all the files I needed to view I couldn’t get to for half the morning. And then I acquired a killer sinus headache. Mondays suck.
Watched Hopscotch yesterday–a spy movie where no one gets hurt, and the hero is the hyper-intelligent, aging, saggy-pants guy. Very refreshing, although the dΓ©cor was definitely dated. Faux wood paneled offices, yuck.

Writing Stuff:
Saw on the Here & Now website that issue #4 has finally gone to the printers. I’ve got stories stated for issue #5, #7, and #8. At this rate, I wonder when, if ever, I’ll see those in print . . .
Received an email from the editor of Abyss & Apex. Apparently my story hadn’t been assigned to a reader, so it was a very good thing I queried. It’s now being read, and I’m assured a reply ASAP.
It’s getting to be time that I queried the editor or publisher of the Asylum antho. series to see why I have seen zero in royalties, yet cannot sell the damn story to reprint markets because of how “widely distributed” the anthology has been. I saw on the editor’s website that Prime books has cancelled the Asylum anthology series and won’t be publishing book #4. I didn’t have anything under consideration there, but it’s a surprising development. I wonder what that says about sales of #3?
Sent the new version of “Caught Between a Twofold Way” up the Critters queue. Why is it my underscores always get mangled in the conversion? Also received an email from a long-time regular critter and friend of mine that he’s dropping out of Critters (our mutual friend, britzkrieg) but that he’d still be happy to do crits of my stuff. I’m quite sad to see him leaving. A bit worried about him too.
I was bouncing story concepts off Matthew yesterday, and it comes around that he thinks I should write more science fiction, as he thinks I do it really well. His favorite piece of mine is “All in My Mind,” the cyberpunk story that won the Phobos Award in ’02. (I think my best work is “Running on Two Legs,” the story that recently sold to The Third Alternative, but “All in My Mind” is up there on my top five list.)
Science fiction is harder for me to write as it takes more work to get my brain chugging along those conduits. Hell, even when I write it, it’s pretty soft. My “science” tends to be in the behavioral sciences–not that surprising considering my background–rather than the hard sciences. Plus with the editorial feedback I’m getting, it’s not exactly spurring me on to follow any SF leanings I might have. I.e. sold works broken down by genre (excluding flash pieces, reprints, or excerpts):
Science Fiction – 4
Horror – 11
Fantasy – 14
The fantasy numbers are even higher if I include flash, reprints, and excerpts. And there’s some wobbliness in the lines between my fantasy and my horror. I could easily call some of the horror I’ve sold “dark fantasy.” Hell, most of the SF pieces I’ve sold (and written) could be classified as science fantasy.
I do still come up with SF ideas and concepts, but I tend to back burner them in favor of fantasy pieces. A part of me wonders if I’m taking the easy way out by not stretching myself to write more SF. SF is more demanding. The world laws have to follow some basics of science and can’t be fobbed off on magic. But there’s still a scientist in me that has an awe of the universe that I’d like to express and share. On the other hand, my first literary love is fantasy, in all its myriad incarnations.
I dunno. Guess I shouldn’t dwell on what I should or shouldn’t write, but rather on what I am writing. Or, as the case may be, what I’m not writing, dammit.
Woke up early this morning from a very vivid dream that I had overslept and was late.
Sounds familiar. I awoke from a very long and vivid nightmare this morning, cold sweat leaking from every pore in my body. I was back in college again. What the hell does that mean???
Any chance you can use your dream as the basis for a story? I get a lot of my ideas while unconscious.
Also received an email from a long-time regular critter and friend of mine that he’s dropping out of Critters (our mutual friend, britzkrieg) but that he’d still be happy to do crits of my stuff. I’m quite sad to see him leaving. A bit worried about him too.
Oh, no! Why is he leaving? Is he down on writing? Ill? Let me know what you find out. This is sad news indeed. π
On a happier note, I’ve been corresponding with two other Atlanta-area spec-fic writers recently. One is a Critter who lives in Peachtree City; she has reviewed both of my last two entries in the queue. She asked me if I knew you — heh. The other is an OWW member in Decatur who has scored a sale to Analog. I reviewed one of her (his?) pieces in that workshop, and I enjoyed it very much. This one is making noises about getting together. π
“Any chance you can use your dream as the basis for a story? I get a lot of my ideas while unconscious.“
I’ve used one dream as inspiration for a story, but overall my dreams are either too disjointed, too fleeting, or too personal to make it to the pages of my fiction. But if a really good idea comes to me while I’m sleeping, I’ll definitely not look the gift horse in the mouth!
“Oh, no! Why is he leaving? Is he down on writing? Ill? Let me know what you find out. This is sad news indeed. π“
I don’t know. I sent him a note back. I hope he gives more details in his reply. I’m exceedingly fond of him, and I’ll miss him terribly if he disappears into the virtual ether.
“One is a Critter who lives in Peachtree City; she has reviewed both of my last two entries in the queue. She asked me if I knew you — heh.“
Ooo. Can I ask who she is?
“The other is an OWW member in Decatur who has scored a sale to Analog. I reviewed one of her (his?) pieces in that workshop, and I enjoyed it very much. This one is making noises about getting together. π“
Very cool! Could be the start of an IRL writers group?
Ooo. Can I ask who she is?
Check your e-mail. π
I’m exceedingly fond of him, and I’ll miss him terribly if he disappears into the virtual ether.
Ditto. :-((
Could be the start of an IRL writers group?
Hey, maybe! We can meet once a month at Cafe Sunflower. π
RE: your breakdown on genre.
That’s very interesting. Matches what I’ve heard at author signings and editor workshops. Thanks!
Re: Breakdown
I wouldn’t say that my numbers are typical of the industry. I honestly don’t know what the breakdown would be, statistically speaking. I suspect it depends upon the writer. For example, one writer I know who’s a physicist only seems to write SF, and he’s made several sales to Analog . . .