Things aren’t yet to an even keel, but they’re getting there. I’ve had several nights in a row now where I’ve been able to get more than five hours of sleep (sometimes up to a full eight!), running The Fix is almost to the point of day-to-day routine (still a few outstanding items that need taking care of), this is the last week of the Worldbuilding for Writers workshop I’ve been conducting all month, and my November Writing for Young Readers column is mostly written.
I should have all my “t”s crossed and my “i”s dotted just in time for . . . the holidays . . . and then the legislative session begins. Glargh!
Stupid hamsters.

Writing Stuff
I saw on slushmaster‘s LJ from the 13th (yah, I’m way behind on my flist) that Shawna liked and will be buying my story, “Daughter of Bótù” for Realms of Fantasy. Woohoo!
This was the story (previously titled, “Fire Rabbit of the Clan of Bótù”) that I wrote for the Ellen Datlow/Terri Windling anthology but which ended up being too long (I’m in the middle of a new story to send to the Datlow/Windling dynamic duo), so I’m absolutely tickled that I was able to find it such a good home.
Congrats also to jimvanpelt, Euan Harvey, and vylar-kaftan (one of my fellow LaunchPadees!) who also made RoF sales from that slush batch!
New Words:
– 1500 on my Writing for Young Readers column, tentatively titled, “Worldbuilding in 2000 words or less.”
– Word from the editor that will be cutting back its publication schedule and going to a quarterly timetable at the open of 2008, which means that my Writing for Young Readers column gig will be coming to a close then. At Moira’s recommendation and urging, I queried another publication, asking whether they’d be interested in picking it up, but haven’t heard back. I’ll be sad if I have to lay this hamster aside, as I’ve liked wearing my columnist’s hat, but it’s probably for the best (I tell myself). It’s just not in my nature to put a hamster down, even if I am elbow-deep in the little nippers, so having one hie itself back to the wild is probably a good thing.
– Note from the Cricket folks that my story, “The Raven’s Brocade,” is slated for their December issue. Woot!
– My Magic in the Mirrorstone contrib. copies. Shiny hardcover goodness!
You forgot to mention you’re listed on the cover of Mirrorstone!
And congrats on the Realms sale! So did you revise that manuscript or was I utterly in the wrong about it?
“You forgot to mention you’re listed on the cover of Mirrorstone!“
I did post a 200x300px image of it . . . I can see my name pretty clearly on my monitor. Hmmm. Do you think I should post a larger one?
“And congrats on the Realms sale! So did you revise that manuscript or was I utterly in the wrong about it?“
Thanks! I think I did an editing pass or two to tighten it up before sending it out, but nothing major, revision-wise. Heh. Don’t be peeved. I’ve been in the biz long enough to know how much tastes can vary. In the end, I went with my gut instincts which told me to have faith in its marketability.
::laughs:: I’m not peeved at all. I’m pleased it sold. It just didn’t do it for me – but I am never the last word [unless I’m the editor ::snort!::]
Fantastic! I’m glad you were able to find a home for that one. π Is it more or less the same version I read, or were there any substantial changes?
(Incidentally, I know that you’ve been really busy for a good long while, so I’m not certain if you saw this, from back in September. I haven’t wanted to make a big deal about it, in case you did see it, but you’re one of the people I really wanted to share the news with.) π
Thanks! It’s essentially the same as what you read (a thousand thank yous for critting it, btw), maybe a little tighter here and there, but nothing major.
“so I’m not certain if you saw this, from back in September. I haven’t wanted to make a big deal about it, in case you did see it, but you’re one of the people I really wanted to share the news with.“
OMYGODOMYGODOMYGOD!!! I totally missed it when you posted it. Eeeee!!! Ari, that’s fabutabulistic! *goes bezerk with confetti flinging* Bucket loads of congrats and happy dancing from the rooftops! You absolutely rawk! Shades of Grey comes out September ’08? I am so totally preordering it! Woot woot woot!!!

Wait, I can’t tell. So are you excited? π
Seriously, thank you. π Hope I don’t disappoint.
Many many congratulations on the RoF sale! That’s incredibly awesome.
Thanks, sweetie! I’m verily jazzed!
Ooh, the cover looks so nice! π
Hee! It’s purrrty!
My sympathies on losing the column gig. I know how fun columns can be to write :). Have you checked with Writer’s Digest? You might at least be able to shuffle and repackage it for them.
I am not sure if I am a hamster or a hamster-handler at this point, but I am starting to get the poetry corner organized :).
Definitely hamster-handler! I think we’re doing one of those two-person, team juggling acts right now, actually.
I am becoming a real fan of Google ads. I’m not sure where the emo quiz is coming from, but the rest are hilarious:
Are You Emo?
Take the Quiz!
The Emo Icon
Wholesale Used Forklifts
Forklift City – Home to Good Values All Makes & Models Buy Sell Trade
Hamster Shirt
Over 975 hamster designs. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats & more!
Hamster Habitats
Find Hamster Habitats Online. Shop & Save at Today.
I’ve been meaning to tell you that The Fix looks great. I’ve spent quite a few hours just wandering around there.
Aw, shucks. You know exactly the right thing to say to make an editor’s heart go all glowy and warm! Thank you. I’m pretty happy with how the site turned out.
Eugie, I love you . . . er . . . in a strictly writer to writer way that isn’t in the least ways creepy or stalker like. I saw your post about making a sale to Realms, clicked on it, and saw I did too! Hooray on us!
Hee! Not creepy or stalker-like. Check. Hooray for us!
Ha! I clicked on your link to the slushmaster even before reading the rest of your post, where I would have learned I made the sale. Thanks for the congrats.
Thank you!
Oooh, nice cover on the Magic in the Mirrorstone.
I’m listed on the cover too, under my new pseudonym, And Others. π
I hope my copies arrive before I move next week.
If you had slipped me a twenty, I would have gotten you on the cover as well.
Had I only known…
A twenty?? Hey! How come he gets a bargain?
Twenty pounds of red kryptonite IS a bargain?