I checked the HP website and the status of my laptop is listed as: “Hewlett-Packard is currently repairing or replacing your product. . . . not yet shipped.”
They were supposed to ship my laptop back yesterday. And I even bought the stupid extended care package that promises expedited priority service! Struggling not to work myself into a foaming frenzy of go-medieval-on-their-asses-argh, but what little forbearance I had left is strained to the big kablooey point. If anyone sees a small mushroom cloud Atlanta-ward, that’s probably me losing it.
Calmblueocean. *twitch*
The thing is, I’d calculated on taking my laptop with me to Utah next week.* More than calculated, counted on. The condo we’re staying at won’t have WiFi, unless things have changed since last year, but there are Internet cafes aplenty in Park City, and I’d assumed I’d be able to at least maintain perfunctory email contact, not to mention not fall too behind on my various editorial duties. Most importantly, I’d counted on having it so I could type up any observation and inspiration notes for future stories.
While it is still possible that my laptop will get to me in time–like if they shipped it today–it’s cutting it very close.
@!&*$#! Calmblueocean.
*fosteronfilm is reprising his Sundance/SlamDance/Troma Dance film festival working holiday again this year, and I decided to go with him this time. Traveling is the best muse food for me, and I figure there’s going to be a lot of inspiration and creative energies crashing about at Sundance et al. So while I doubt I can deduct the cost as a working expense (although fosteronfilm might be able to), I think it’ll be worth doing.

Writing Stuff
I think the only reason I haven’t detonated into a big wrathful smear of exploded-Eugie is that I’ve received so much excellent writing news.
Augie Wiedemann, the artist who illustrated “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” for Apex, sent me a print of the extra illustration he did because he liked the story so much. I’m bowled over and touched by both the gift and the compliment. I shall need to find a frame for it and then I’m going to hang it in the library.
– 41-day sale of “A Patch of Jewels in the Sky” to Dragonfly Spirit, slated for publication in their June issue.
– 20-day rejection from Fantasy Magazine offset by a reprint sale of “Returning My Sister’s Face” to Sean Wallace’s Best New Fantasy anthology. Huzzah! I’m going to be in an anthology with the word “Best” in the title!
And check out the gorgeous cover art by Eikasia:

Yay for sales and it is indeed a be-yoo-tiful cover!
Still no word from Mirrorstone on the anthology. I may send them an email to see what’s up.
Sorta related note – I went to Utah a couple of years back. Salt Lake is the cleanest city I’ve ever been to. It’s like it has beend scrubbed with bleaCH.
Anyway, hope the laptop arrives sooner, not later.
Salt Lake thrives on tourist money, so I’m not surprised at the cleanliness. Plus, while the Mormons are often attributed as having a number of odd quirks, I’ve never heard of grunginess to be among them.
Salt Lake thrives on tourist money, so I’m not surprised at the cleanliness. Plus, while the Mormons are often attributed as having a number of odd quirks, I’ve never heard of grunginess to be among them.
Sorta related note – I went to Utah a couple of years back. Salt Lake is the cleanest city I’ve ever been to. It’s like it has beend scrubbed with bleaCH.
Anyway, hope the laptop arrives sooner, not later.
Yay for sales and it is indeed a be-yoo-tiful cover!
Still no word from Mirrorstone on the anthology. I may send them an email to see what’s up.
Why get medieval on their asses when you could get Victorian upon their fundaments?
Aside from in the realm of women’s undergarments, were the Victorians particularly renown for their aptitude at torture?
Well, they did set up some of history’s first concentration camps in the Boer War. Might not be thumbscrews and boiling pitch poured over the genitals, but downright evil nonetheless…
Aside from in the realm of women’s undergarments, were the Victorians particularly renown for their aptitude at torture?
Why get medieval on their asses when you could get Victorian upon their fundaments?
i think at this point and juncture, you’re well within your rights to act a fool with the assclowns at hp.
I’m deeply craving a ballistic blow-up, but I keep telling myself that shouting and losing my temper won’t get results. ‘Course being polite and professional hasn’t done jack either . . .
I’m deeply craving a ballistic blow-up, but I keep telling myself that shouting and losing my temper won’t get results. ‘Course being polite and professional hasn’t done jack either . . .
i think at this point and juncture, you’re well within your rights to act a fool with the assclowns at hp.
Oh my gosh, what is it about “Service Industries” this week. HP, plumbers, gas companies… sheesh. I feel your pain.
The world needs more electric shock-based customer satisfaction tools. Bet a few thousand well-applied volts would get me a new laptop right fast . . .
Oh my gosh, what is it about “Service Industries” this week. HP, plumbers, gas companies… sheesh. I feel your pain.
Oooh, let us know when the anthology comes out! That is a great cover. Very evocative. 🙂
Isn’t it, though? I absolutely love it. I think the editor said he’s aiming for an August release.
Oooh, let us know when the anthology comes out! That is a great cover. Very evocative. 🙂
Is it just me, or does that girl look a lot like Emma Watson in the face?
I think you might be onto something there. Wonder if the artist was inspired by the HP movies?
But isn’t it a photo-illustration? I assumed it was a photo of a real model with artists’ embellishments.
Is it just me, or does that girl look a lot like Emma Watson in the face?
Congratulations on the sales, Eugie! 🙂
Oh, and I love that cover.
Thanks, Eric!
Congratulations on the sales, Eugie! 🙂
Oh, and I love that cover.
Much congrats and that’s some beautiful cover art!
Thankee! And ain’t it just?
Much congrats and that’s some beautiful cover art!
In an effort to make you laugh and thus lighten your mood, I will share the fact that I am considering shaving all of my body hair off, getting my artist friend to go to work with a Sharpie and coming to D*C as Spider Jerusalem. Could you imagine me popping up in the DD staffroom in a black jacket and pants with those glasses on and a snarl on my face? I think it would revolutionize the con, really I do.
All of your body hair? Who would have the honor of shaving the, erm, awkward places?
Note to self: Must bring camera . . . and extra memory card, to D*C this year. Mmmf.
Re: Squawk!
My filthy assistants, of course!
All of your body hair? Who would have the honor of shaving the, erm, awkward places?
Note to self: Must bring camera . . . and extra memory card, to D*C this year. Mmmf.
In an effort to make you laugh and thus lighten your mood, I will share the fact that I am considering shaving all of my body hair off, getting my artist friend to go to work with a Sharpie and coming to D*C as Spider Jerusalem. Could you imagine me popping up in the DD staffroom in a black jacket and pants with those glasses on and a snarl on my face? I think it would revolutionize the con, really I do.
I loved “Returning My Sister’s Face.” It was the first story of yours that I read.
Thanks, sweetie! And now I’m pondering breaking out the ole Japanese mythology again . . .
I loved “Returning My Sister’s Face.” It was the first story of yours that I read.
That cover is awesome. WOW
Uh huh! Pretty, pretty.
That cover is awesome. WOW
Wonderful sales news! Go kick HP’s butt on the way to Utah. What a great time Sundance will be. Soak up a little muse food for me, too!