Okay, the writing news I had to hold off on announcing, I can announce, now that I’ve actually delivered the goods. I was asked by one of my writing group buddies who is an editor for Tangent if I would like to be a reviewer for them. Since Tangent is widely read (nominated 4-times for a Hugo) by editors, publishers, and, of course, writers, I jumped at the chance. Name recognition good.
My review for the Winter 2003 issue of Oceans of the Mind just went up, and I’ll be doing a review of Infinite Matrix soon as well. Tangent is a subscription ‘zine (at $5 a year, it’s a steal!), but all reviews are opened to the public two to three weeks after they’re posted.
Very pleased to add another feather to my writing cap.
Sent the letter off to the editor of Cricket today, giving my a-ok on her edits.
So far, twenty-eight critiques of my story currently up at Critters. A bit of inconsistency of the feedback I’m getting is driving me nuts. I’ve received “your message is too sledgehammery” as well as “I don’t get it” comments in about equal measure. It’s a social commentary on homeless people, dammit! If my theme is delivered too heavy-handedly, how come so many people aren’t getting it? Wah!
Also, got a note from the Editor/Publisher of Scrybe Press proposing a paying barter writing gig. He’s asked me to try my hand at writing book jacket synopses with the proposed trade of a signed book (I assume the book I synopsize) for every synopsis I write. Sounds shiny to me!
Writing book jacket synopses. That sounds so cool. :>
Oh, and congrats on the reviewing thing. It’s something I really enjoy. :>
If my theme is delivered too heavy-handedly, how come so many people aren’t getting it?
In my short experience with Critters, I’d say it has a great deal to do with the range of skill and intent the writers in the workshop bring to the critiques; there are some who aren’t tuned in to theme or metaphor at all. Since my crit came down on the sledgehammery side, it’s hard for me to see the reverse of that, but it may be that some readers are looking right past the clear social commentary in search of some more obvious genre trope that isn’t there.
Congrats on the Tangent gig!