Parental Visit

Got an email from my mother today. She and I don’t exactly have a close relationship. She lives in China; I live in Georgia. We send each other birthday cards once a year. Recently she re-married and the first I heard she was seeing anyone, much less engaged, was the wedding announcement.

She and her new husband are planning to swing by America in October and they’re thinking of spending a couple days in Atlanta. She wants to know if Matthew and I are free then to entertain. I can deal with a couple days of my mother’s company. Really I can. And I am curious to meet her husband. Apparently he has a couple sons. I have a pair of step-brothers. Huh.

I haven’t seen my mother in years. I’m not sure how many. Less than ten, more than five, I guess. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see her again and I was okay with that.


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8 Responses to Parental Visit

  1. mery_bast says:

    Wow! How strange… I hope the visit goes smoothly!

  2. reudaly says:

    “Swing by America” – now THERE’S a SF image if there ever was one. And that’s got to be close to the ulitmate “We were in the neighborhood so…” kind of thought.

    Still – family dynamics, whatcha gonna do? Hope it goes well

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Well, on her “American Tour” she’s going to San Diego, Atlanta, Florida, and Illinois, so there is a cavalier “swing” feel to it all. Guess it might be the belated post-wedding honeymoon thing. Urk.

  3. puskunk says:

    I hope your meeting with your mom goes well.

  4. Sorry, I am a little behind reading my friends’ posts.

    I know this may sound odd, but I don’t find it all that strange that you were/are complacent to the fact that you thought you might never see your mother again.

    I think that at least here in the South, we are raised to be very “GO FAMILY”, no matter what. We grow up feeling like we owe everything we are to our parents, even if they weren’t good parents, or were abusive. It’s almost like we are made to feel like without our parents we wouldn’t have been anything worthwhile.

    I respect that you are able to be your own person.

    If anything, I feel like your mother’s visit has more a feel of wanting to show off her new husband more than coming to see you and how you are doing.

    I hope that her visit, though it seems it will be short, will not be too stressful for you and that perhaps you all will find some common ground on which to have a pleasant time.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I’m thinking this has to be a “meet the new spouse” sort of tour for both of them. They’re visiting his sons in San Diego and a close friend of hers in Florida as well as swinging by us in Georgia.

      Well, I do have to admit I am curious to meet her new husband. My God, I’ve got a step-father . . .

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