P&E Poll, The Lion in Winter, New Novel concept

Hurray! The results are in of the 2003 Preditors and Editors Readers’ Poll! Both my stories “All in My Mind” and “The Reign of the Wintergod” finished in the Top Ten of their categories (Best SF Short Story and Best Horror Story, respectively).

I’m quite pleased. Thanks to everyone who voted!

Matthew and I went to see The Lion in Winter at the Shakespeare Tavern last night. It was amazingly good. I know I gush a lot about the productions there, but this one just totally blew me away. They had an astoundingly good Eleanor, an actress who I haven’t seen before, and Maurice Ralston, a regular there, totally owned his Henry II part. They got a standing O from us. And now I want to see the Peter O’Toole/Katharine Hepburn movie version again.

britzkrieg, if you and Jaime were interested in seeing another play at the Tavern, I highly recommend catching The Lion in Winter. It was incredible.

The performance was sold out so we ended up sitting in the balcony–the first time we’ve done that. And while the table situation is a little awkward (I kept banging my knees against the food ledge), the view is actually better for catching the play. And the very pretty actor who I admired ogled in his scanty guard costume in Salome gave me his arm to escort us up the balcony. Rrrr! Matthew was amused at my lascivious panting. I can’t help it, that man is lovely. Especially with his shirt off in barbaric guard attire. During Salome my eyes kept straying to him even while the main actors on stage were doing their thing. Hubba.

The play (The Lion in Winter not Salome) also inspired me to start pondering a new novel concept. It’s a political ascension fantasy concept currently. Not too surprising considering the inspiration. I’ve throwing together a synopsis and going to try to do an outline from that. A novel is too long to do fly-by-seat-of-pants, so I think an outline is essential. But this time I’m going to try to do just a bare bones outline before attacking it. Apparently the “outline every chapter in exquisite detail” approach isn’t working for me. Wonder how far I’ll get . . .

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7 Responses to P&E Poll, The Lion in Winter, New Novel concept

  1. demonhaunted says:

    “The Lion In Winter” is one of my favorite movies of all time. I haven’t had a chance to see it as a play, however. It sounds like your experience was amazing.

    Congrats on your short stories!

  2. kittymel says:


    I finally feel like my vote counted – now if politics could only be this way.

  3. Dinner and play–sounds great. John and I have been thinking about doing this too more often — going to dinner and a play — it’s been a while for us. Glad you had a great time!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      We’ve got season tickets to the Shakespeare Tavern. It’s pretty much the only time we get a chance to go out for a “date” evening these days. It’s definitely good to have a night out sometimes!

  4. Anonymous says:


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