Peter Pan

Watched the 2003 re-make of Peter Pan. Surprising myself, I enjoyed it tremendously. They did an excellent job with casting both Wendy and Peter. Both of those young actors are going to grow up to be hotties. I was especially taken with Rachel Hurd-Wood, the actress playing Wendy, both with how lovely she was, as well as her range. And it certainly had more depth than the Disneyfied version. Charming.

Writing Stuff

Matthew first-readered the folktale. He liked it, happily, and pointed out a couple things I’d overlooked, one of which made me giggle. Did a pair of passes, and it’s now at first draft and loaded into the Critters queue. It should go up next week. I need to do some crits this week, most definitely.

And now that that folktale is off my plate, my muse is all frisky and pleased with herself.

Muse: “That was fun! Let’s do another one.”
Me: “Fun? FUN? My idea of fun is not contorting my brain until blood and words appear on the screen.”
Muse: “You want some cheese with that whine? Suck it up. You’re a writer.”
Me: *splutter*
Muse: “What are you waiting for? Type, biotch!”
Me: *sigh* “Yes’m.”

Club 100 For Writers

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16 Responses to Peter Pan

  1. remipunx says:

    I adore that movie. It is darker, and if you watch it with the eyes that my Harry Potter fandom has given me there are down right creepy undertons. The cast is wonderful. Did you watch the making of extras? My daughter thinks the stuff about Tink is very interesting.

  2. reudaly says:

    I swear there’s something in the Muse Water today. I did my own Bitch Muse entry this morning. And despite distractions, am getting my short story done first.

  3. dionycheaus says:

    okay! ::giggle:: I want a blog from your muse.

  4. Anonymous says:

    >Muse: “You want some cheese with that whine? Suck it up. You’re a writer.”

    Hee. Muse with ‘tude. Me likes.

    Pat Kirby

  5. Whew, your muse is a real biotch. Hee. Hee.

    ~Maggie 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:


    Re: your Muse.

    I think yours and mine are twins.


  7. Anonymous says:

    Your Muse

    If you don’t want your Muse, can I have her? Mine seems to have caught Procrastination off me. I’d rather have a frisky Muse than one who can’t wake up in the morning. Sigh.

    From Dreamwind the Critter, who should soon have a Blog.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Your Muse

      Eep! Maybe you need to feed more caffeine to yours? Mine’s a total jitter-junkie.

      • Anonymous says:

        Re: My Muse’s Caffeine

        I have a 3-5 cup a day habit. I grind my own beans when I make coffee. And they are the super strong espresso beans and the cup is at twice strength. I use loose leaf Irish Breakfast tea in a diffuser instead of tea bags.

        If I get any worse than that, I will be utterly unlivewithable. Trust me. I’ve been there. The people I work with used to keep a count of the cups of coffee I drank because they knew they’d get their heads bitten off if they asked anything after six cups.

        Upshot of all this is, my Muse is NOT getting anymore caffeine. I think I need to cut down on my activities.

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