Post-Christmas 2005

It’s my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday, fosteronfilm wrestled open the computer in order to install the new DVD burner I got him for Christmas. Our old one (the one that was factory-installed) was having problems with x16 DVD-Rs, despite a firmware update, and Sony wasn’t supporting that particular type of burner anymore–even though it’s only two years old and their factory installed model. Plus, Matthew had been making impressed-eyes at the LightScribe technology, so I thought it was an obvious prezzie. After some swearing, much grunting, and a couple calls to the HP help line, it’s now installed and working.

Note to self: next time, give a lot of thought to whether a “some assembly required” prezzie is a good idea. Urk. But he does seem pleased with it now that it’s properly functioning.

Also packaged up my laptop and called FedEx. They’re going to pick it up to ship to HP this afternoon. I miss it already, and it’s still here–just boxed up. Normally I work in the evenings with the laptop downstairs on the couch with Hobkin curled at my side. Last night I couldn’t, even though I’ve got a temporary system in place. It’s a desktop and Hobkin would have none of the whole moving from the couch to the desk suggestion. So I sat on the couch, peering longingly at the computer, pinned down by an 8lb animal. Yup.

Hobkin is indeed madhappy to be home. He absolutely adores his godmother, but he’s always a fuzzy cling-beast when he gets back.

Curled up on fosteronfilm‘s lap.

And, as promised, a picture of the step we got him for Christmas:

No action picture yet, but that’s in the works

When he first saw it, there was some trepidation and much sniffing. I lured him up it with a treat, and then there was chin rubbing/marking. Now he’s bounding up it like it’s always been there. He’s got some problems with the going down part still. He insists upon going down it sideways which seems to result in him sort of half-falling, half clambering off it. Silly beastie.


Writing Stuff

Found a nice little blurb on a French site called Chronicles de L’imaginaire of “The Storyteller’s Wife” in Faeries:
Eugie Foster raconte L’épouse du conteur, une belle histoire d’amour aux pays des contes.”

I believe that translates to (approximately): Eugie Foster tells “The Storyteller’s Wife,” a beautiful story of love set in the country of stories (fairies?). Any native French speakers that can correct my translation out there?

– 43-day personal “nope” from Aeon with extensive commentary and invite to submit again.
– 14-day and 57-day personal “nope”s from Fantasy Magazine along with some back-and-forth chatting with the editor.

Y’know what would be a nice birthday present? An end-of-year sale. Especially if it’s via my agent! *crickets chirping* Well, it would be.

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106 Responses to Post-Christmas 2005

  1. mroctober says:

    Happy Natal Day, m’dear!

    I hope this is a wonderful 25? 26? year for you.

  2. mroctober says:

    Happy Natal Day, m’dear!

    I hope this is a wonderful 25? 26? year for you.

  3. marksiegal says:

    Happy birthday! I wish you good luck on a nice end-of-year sale. 🙂

  4. marksiegal says:

    Happy birthday! I wish you good luck on a nice end-of-year sale. 🙂

  5. happy birthday, eugie. cya.

  6. happy birthday, eugie. cya.

  7. cmpriest says:

    Happy birthday to you, indeed!

  8. cmpriest says:

    Happy birthday to you, indeed!

  9. grommie says:

    Happy Birthday, Eugie!

    And AWWWW – sleepy/contented Hobkin picture! 🙂 Need more.

  10. grommie says:

    Happy Birthday, Eugie!

    And AWWWW – sleepy/contented Hobkin picture! 🙂 Need more.

  11. aimeempayne says:

    Hooray for Birthdays! I hope yours is a happy one!

  12. aimeempayne says:

    Hooray for Birthdays! I hope yours is a happy one!

  13. klingonguy says:

    happy birthday to you!

    or, as the klingons say, qoSlIj yItIv

  14. klingonguy says:

    happy birthday to you!

    or, as the klingons say, qoSlIj yItIv

  15. lizziebelle says:

    Happy hatchday, and good luck making a sale! 🙂

    Oh, and Happy New Year while I’m at it!

  16. lizziebelle says:

    Happy hatchday, and good luck making a sale! 🙂

    Oh, and Happy New Year while I’m at it!

  17. ccfinlay says:

    Happy birthday!

    May you get everything you’ve asked for, and then some.

  18. ccfinlay says:

    Happy birthday!

    May you get everything you’ve asked for, and then some.

  19. First, happy birthday!

    Now, the translation. I’ve always been fuzzy on the difference between histoires and contes myself, so I pulled out my Petit Robert and looked it up.

    HistoireRécit d’actions, d’événements réels ou imaginaires. It lists conte as a synonym.

    ConteCourt récit de faits, d’aventures imaginaires, destiné à distraire==fiction.

    So it seems that the difference is that “conte” is the word for the actual form, like we use “short story.” So the translation would be “a beautiful love story in the land of short stories.”

  20. First, happy birthday!

    Now, the translation. I’ve always been fuzzy on the difference between histoires and contes myself, so I pulled out my Petit Robert and looked it up.

    HistoireRécit d’actions, d’événements réels ou imaginaires. It lists conte as a synonym.

    ConteCourt récit de faits, d’aventures imaginaires, destiné à distraire==fiction.

    So it seems that the difference is that “conte” is the word for the actual form, like we use “short story.” So the translation would be “a beautiful love story in the land of short stories.”

  21. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!


  22. Anonymous says:

    Happy Birthday!


  23. alleypat says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

    question – how do you keep the ferret smell off the ferret? LOL

  24. alleypat says:

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

    question – how do you keep the ferret smell off the ferret? LOL

  25. ericmarin says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie! 🙂

  26. ericmarin says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie! 🙂

  27. newroticgirl says:


    awwww… cuddleskunk squinty-eyed cuteness!! i just want to cuddle him, too!

  28. newroticgirl says:


    awwww… cuddleskunk squinty-eyed cuteness!! i just want to cuddle him, too!

  29. Wishing you the HAPPIEST of birthdays, Eugie!!!

    Hope it’s the best one yet!!!

  30. Wishing you the HAPPIEST of birthdays, Eugie!!!

    Hope it’s the best one yet!!!

  31. jimhines says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie!!!

  32. jimhines says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie!!!

  33. sruna says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *enormous birthday bear hugs*

  34. sruna says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *enormous birthday bear hugs*

  35. Happy Birthday!

    *tosses sparkly Hobkin-safe confetti*

  36. Happy Birthday!

    *tosses sparkly Hobkin-safe confetti*

  37. raecarson says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie! *celebrates*

  38. raecarson says:

    Happy birthday, Eugie! *celebrates*

  39. allochthon says:

    Happy birthday!


  40. allochthon says:

    Happy birthday!


  41. terracinque says:

    I never knew your birthday was so close to mine! Have a happy, dollface! I’ll buy you your drink of choice if you and Matthew can join me on the 7th.

  42. terracinque says:

    I never knew your birthday was so close to mine! Have a happy, dollface! I’ll buy you your drink of choice if you and Matthew can join me on the 7th.

  43. murasaki23 says:

    in japanese, just for fun

    otanjoubi omedetou!

    best wishes for another great year. thanks for letting me be a part of the eugie experience 🙂

  44. murasaki23 says:

    in japanese, just for fun

    otanjoubi omedetou!

    best wishes for another great year. thanks for letting me be a part of the eugie experience 🙂

  45. elvesforeyes says:

    I said it already, but on the wrong post! ACK!

    HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Here’s to getting carded for buying alcohol, eh?

  46. elvesforeyes says:

    I said it already, but on the wrong post! ACK!

    HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Here’s to getting carded for buying alcohol, eh?

  47. time_shark says:

    Ha P Birrth Dae 2 U! 🙂

  48. time_shark says:

    Ha P Birrth Dae 2 U! 🙂

  49. frameshot says:

    Happy Birthday, Eugie!

  50. frameshot says:

    Happy Birthday, Eugie!

  51. Happy birthday!


  52. Happy birthday!


  53. Happy “End of the Year Sale” Day to you (trying to issue a self-fulfilling prophecy; I’ve already sent birthday wishes–can’t believe I got the day right, must be the ginko pills).

  54. Happy “End of the Year Sale” Day to you (trying to issue a self-fulfilling prophecy; I’ve already sent birthday wishes–can’t believe I got the day right, must be the ginko pills).

  55. j_hotlanta says:

    And a happy birthday from me as well.

  56. j_hotlanta says:

    And a happy birthday from me as well.

  57. keesa_renee says:

    Wheee!!! Happy birthday, Eugie!! :cues applause and confetti:

    Oooh, and the darling wittle skunkie! :nuzzles: How sweet!

  58. keesa_renee says:

    Wheee!!! Happy birthday, Eugie!! :cues applause and confetti:

    Oooh, and the darling wittle skunkie! :nuzzles: How sweet!

  59. Holy cow – 50 entries to wish you a happy day. I’m too slow on the draw, I suppose. It’s not even technically your birthday any more, but

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Better late than never. 🙂

  60. Holy cow – 50 entries to wish you a happy day. I’m too slow on the draw, I suppose. It’s not even technically your birthday any more, but

    Happy Birthday!!!!!

    Better late than never. 🙂

  61. dream_wind says:

    Belated happy birthday!

  62. dream_wind says:

    Belated happy birthday!

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