I just got an email from the publishers/editors of Blasphemy: A Religious Erotic Horror Anthology. They’re buying “In Suffering Lies Salvation”!

WOO HOO!! Another sale!

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19 Responses to SALE! WOO!

  1. emuko says:

    Congrats! 😀

  2. ex_girlmech says:


  3. mouseferatu says:

    Belated, due to a weekend spent at Renaissance Festival and in Houston, but heartfelt congrats none the less. 🙂


    Your serve!

  4. inscrutable says:

    When did religeous erotic horror become a genre? And why hadn’t I thought of it sooner? *ponders a story w/ someone getting it on with a nun but she turns out to be a brain eating zombie* mmmmm……

    You’ll have to let us know when it hits stores.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Yah, some of the anthology themes get kind of . . . eclectic. There’s currently a call for submissions by Catalyst Press for an anthology with the theme “Vampire Cockroaches.” I keep prodding my muse about that one ’cause it sounds like fun, and she just looks at me as though I’ve gone completely wonky.

      Blasphemy is scheduled to come out late 2003 in trade paperback. No specific month or day yet, though. They’re still accepting submissions, though, so if you wanted to crank out that hot nun/zombie tale . . .

      • silicates says:

        1. Whose blood to Vampire Cockroaches suck? Other cockroaches? People?

        2. If they suck cock…roaches, um, well, roaches don’t have blood. They have goo. Step on them and find out!

        3. If they suck human blood, are they like large, flightless mosquitoes?

        4. Do they wear little capes?

        • Eugie Foster says:

          Actually, this reminds me of a cute lil vampire story I read as a little girl about a bunny vampire. It was a kid’s book. If I remember correctly, it was called Bunnicula. I thought it was cool at the time, but then again I was like, what? Seven?

          Anyway, the bunny sucked the vital essences out of veggies. Hee!

          • kafkonia says:

            I remember that book

            I believe it was followed up by The Celery Stalks at Midnight.

            [Checks Amazon.]

            Yep. Actually looks like it turned into a bit of a series, now in boxed-set form (with Howliday Inn and Return to Howliday Inn.)

            Congratulations on the sale!

            the RM Lady. 🙂

          • Eugie Foster says:

            Re: I remember that book


            Hey, sorry if I’m being daft, but is this Jamie R. from the Speculations Rumor Mill? If so, I didn’t realize you kept an LJ!

          • kafkonia says:

            Re: I remember that book

            Yep, that’s me. I figured I’d dust off the short-lived “RM Lady” moniker and see if that worked as an identifier.

            I’ve only had an LJ for a couple of months at the most, so far. And I don’t update nearly as much as you seem to. 🙂

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