Session ’07, Day 35

Chug-a-chug-a. I think I can I think I can…

Actually, whether I think I can or not, I will. Only five more days left. People are getting a little white-eyed around the office. Myself included, undoubtedly. But word on the street is that Georgia’s 2007 legislative session will most likely adjourn sine die next Friday (the 20th). Although there’s also speculation that a special session will be called immediately upon adjournment.


Hoping that’s just a scary rumor.


Writing Stuff

I hit my 100th sale today!

It’s an occasion for cake and drunken revelry, but I don’t have the time for such indulgence, alas. I’m also thinking I might wait until I’ve amassed five more sales until I ring in the “official” 100th sale milestone. According to my spreadsheet, five of the sales were for nonfiction: four articles and an interview. (I’m not counting my Writing for Young Readers columns, as those aren’t “sales” so much as an ongoing gig–which reminds me I really need to start working on my May column.)

– 36-day sale of “The End of the Universe” to the new U.K. ezine, Darker Matter. The editor sent payment immediately (pro rates+, even!). I actually received it before the contract, which followed on its heels. Such lightning-fast payment (for fiction, at least) is a first, and I’m muchly impressed.
– Confirmation & contract from Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine that they want to reprint “Body and Soul Art” in their Best of Horror anthology.

New Words/Editing:
fosteronfilm first readered my Persian fairy tale re-telling. He liked it, which is a little unusual, as he’s normally not a fan of fairy tales. So does that mean I did something right, or something wrong with this one? Normally, he’s an excellent bellwether of my fiction, able to predict which stories will get the best reception and which ones might need more work, with the exception of my fairy and folktales, which he tends not to be enamored with in general and which tend to sell well regardless.

So I did a couple editing passes, and now I’m dithering as to what to do with it. Send it out for critique? Send it out to market? Or sit on it for a week–to give myself the same distance I would’ve if I’d offered it up for crits–and give it another couple editing passes before sending it out to market. Or some other as-of-yet undetermined option.

Blah. Insecurity, doubt, and indecision is me.

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37 Responses to Session ’07, Day 35

  1. j_cheney says:

    Congrats on the big 100!

  2. Congrats on making that 100th sale. I’d count it all, but that’s just me. Of course you can then also celebrate the 100th fiction sale, too!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thanks, sweetie! I’m thinking by the time I make my 100th fiction sale, I’ll have a bit of time to indulge in celebratory activities. Yesterday, I got home late, ate a peanut butter sandwich for dinner, and fell asleep cuddling Hobkin.

  3. random_42 says:

    I think you should count those five – congrats on 100!

  4. newroticgirl says:

    What an AWESOME and exciting milestone!! *CONFETTI*

  5. Wow, 100 sales. That’s really amazing! Good for you! 😀

  6. yukinooruoni says:

    Congrats on 100!! We shall have to get you a present to commemorate it!

  7. domynoe says:

    100 Sales!

    Man, I wanna grow up and be you! I have 15 (most to for the love markets) plus one contest win (no money, meh). It’s taking me forever.


    • Eugie Foster says:

      Keep writing and keep submitting, yo! It surely wasn’t a speedy process hitting this milestone. To put things into perspective, it was a year (and 46 rejections) between my first sale and my second.

      • domynoe says:

        Yea, I know. And I am. A year between 1 and 2? Wow. I got a lot of for the love stuff my first 3 years. I’m only breaking into token markets now, had my first paid acceptance in April 2004, my 2nd paid acceptance 18 months later, but a few non-paying in between. It’s a tough thing to break into, this publication stuff. Now if I could just crack a pro market. 😛

  8. lisamantchev says:

    I vote you did something right (on the story) and either send it out for another reader to tell you the same and then mail it off.

  9. CONGRATULATIONS on hitting such a remarkable sales milestone!

  10. ogre_san says:

    Congrats on the 100th sale!

    A payment BEFORE the contract? There’s a novelty…

  11. Congrats on the new sales, and on hitting 100!

  12. matt_wallace says:

    I’ll bet if I touched you I’d burn my fingers . . .

  13. keesa_renee says:

    You can, Eugie! Here’s hoping that nasty old legislature lets out soon!

    And ooh! I volunteer to read the story if you’re looking for a crit!! Persian fairy tale=much Eugie goodness. 😀

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Theoretically, the session adjourns next Friday. Whew. My fingertips are getting sore from all the clinging for dear life.

      And ooh! I volunteer to read the story if you’re looking for a crit!!

      Really? That would be fabu! You’re the bestest. I’ll email it to you right away. Err, right away as soon as I get a few seconds between bills . . .

  14. keesa_renee says:

    And, just because it deserved its own comment…

    CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 SALES!!! You’re so awesome.

  15. Well, WOOT! sez I!

    That’s really cool!

    Many congratulations.

  16. 100 is awesome… and to think I still think of you as exciting new talent kinda person

    You’re old news!!!


    Congrats on the Dark Matter sale too… I was looking at the site… could be cool…

    • Eugie Foster says:


      and to think I still think of you as exciting new talent kinda person

      Eh, I think I still qualify as “new,” although my Campbell “New Writer” period has expired. I figure until I sign a multi-book deal with a major publishing house, I’m “new” and/or “up and coming.” Sigh.

  17. basletum says:

    Happy 100th sale!

  18. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Congrats on the big 100!

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