Storm season brings cooling relief

The beginning of hurricane season has resulted in some lovely weather here. Hobkin has been miserable from the recent heat–flopping on the hardwood floor in the kitchen and looking like an overheated, fuzzy mop. . . with a tail. And I’ve been driven out of the library, which is upstairs and so gets rather sweltering. But now it’s cool and dark. Ahh.

I hope Alberto doesn’t get big and scary, but the respite he’s bringing from sultry ick is appreciated.

Although I’m concerned that the rain might not come in time to save our wild blackberry crop.


Writing Stuff

The fine folks of Mobicon invited me to be a guest next year. I’m thrilled to betsy, but with finances being so tight, I asked them if they could help me out on the room and board front. I hope we can work something out. jackzodiac raves about them, and I’ve been dying to experience it.

New Words:
– A load of research and 500 words on part 2 of the article for

– My article “When the Guidelines Say ‘7-12’: The Ages and Stages of Children’s Literature” at

– Rewrite request from my agent on my picture book adaptation.
– Request from the client for the job I put a bid down on for my bio and a writing sample. So at least I’m still in the running.
– Note from Baen’s Universe on a story they’re holding for consideration. Apparently they’re overbought and have established a buying and submissions freeze until October. I’m free to withdraw and submit elsewhere (and resub to them when they reopen) or let it ride, with a warning that a response might be a long while coming. Argh! That story has already been languishing there since March.

Club 100 For Writers


Geographic spread of my readers.

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8 Responses to Storm season brings cooling relief

  1. klandaghicat says:

    Yep, I’m loving this weather, although it’s keeping the kids inside. Artie’s been anxious lately, pacing at night. I’m not sure what’s up with him.
    My blackberries seem to be doing better this week. Last week, they were small and sour. The ones I picked yesterday were pretty good. The creek’s up. More trashy, unfortunately.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Poor Artie! Hobkin’s been pacing more too. It’s so silly. We leave the door open to his area, but he goes in there and paces along the bars anyway. He needs a tin cup to rattle back and forth . . .

  2. j_hotlanta says:

    I’m afraid that we’re going to miss the rain :-(.

    The blackberries should be fine since they’re pretty well apapted to this climate. It’s a win-win….in dry years they are small but intensely flvorful; in wet years they are big and plump and jucy.

    You bigger problem will probably be getting to them first. Lot’s ‘o critters are usually waiting for wild fruit like that around here – especially in a dry year like this one. I see a ton of vines in the park but never a ripe berry.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I’m afraid that we’re going to miss the rain :-(.

      Pook. I just checked the forecast and they’re saying it’ll be back to broiling tomorrow. Wah!

      You bigger problem will probably be getting to them first. Lot’s ‘o critters are usually waiting for wild fruit like that around here – especially in a dry year like this one. I see a ton of vines in the park but never a ripe berry.

      One of the few advantages to the chicken wire the previous owner put down beneath our fence (we suspect he had a dog) is that we don’t have to compete for the blackberry crop. I’d rather have more wild critters romping in our backyard, but the fence/wire combination keeps anything but birds and teeny mice-sized beasties out. Oh, and once we had a box turtle winter in our (stagnant) koi pond.

      I’d be willing to sacrifice a couple blackberry pies to see more raccoons and bunnies, though . . .

  3. Hope you can make it to Mobile for Mobicon. It’s a delightful city, beautiful scenery, good music, good food, good people, and the hometown of both of Bryan’s parents and his grandmother’s current residence.

    I checked out your article. Thanks for all the tips. I’ve got one in the hopper that I think might make a children’s story and needed some good advice there. I’ll go back to your market list as well.

  4. davidlevine says:

    Heh. Your MyGeoSpots thing thinks I am in Plano, TX, which is where my corporate firewall is located. I’m actually in Beaverton, OR.

  5. adobedragon says:

    – Rewrite request from my agent on my picture book adaptation.

    Oo. Is this as per a request from the editor? I can’t remember if the adaption was officially a “go?”

    Pat K.

  6. basletum says:

    From now on I’m gonna be referencing that article every time I have an idea for a children’s story.

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