Tin Girl no go

The charity calendar that the Dragon*Con folks are putting together to benefit the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer research foundation now has a forum so that people can make suggestions or offer advice on the enterprise, courtesy Dean, one of the photographers.

Still don’t have anything but a ray gun for my pulp space girl costume, but we’ve been browsing through the shops to see if there wasn’t something pre-made that could be modified. We found a nearly perfect one, a Tin Girl Costume (except without the hat). I tried it on, and it’s way cute. The skirt’s a little shorter than I was wanting, also it’s not flared and flowy but tight and clingy, but otherwise, it’s pretty near ideal.

And it’s also $51.00. Sigh. Not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things, but a bit much for our current budget for an outfit I’d only wear once.

I remember having piles of disposable income once-upon-a-time. Alas, those times have passed.

Back to the sewing machine.


Writing Stuff

– An editing pass on “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest, etc.” After a perusal of all the crits that came in, I’ve come to the conclusion that there wasn’t a consensus on whether it was too confusing, too explainy, or just right. Snartleblast. So I’m going with my gut instincts.

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14 Responses to Tin Girl no go

  1. mtfay says:

    I’ll buy it for you as long as I get pictures and a promise of a live modeling the next time I’m in town;).

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Both you and have graciously offered to sponsor my pulp space girl costume for the calendar. As this is for such a good cause, a cute outfit for me the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, I’m thrilled to let y’all spoil me. How ’bout you two go halfsies, and I’ll make sure you both get pix and a live modeling whenever either of y’all come visiting Atlanta next? I’ve added it to my Amazon Wish List for shopping ease. Maybe Dean could mail you a check for his half since he was talking wiring money in the post below?

  2. Anonymous says:

    From dean13:

    Money should be no object for fun like that! I still have the last Calendar you posed. Though the special Skunk Calendar FosterOnFilm made for you (or was it you who made it for FosterOnFilm) was more useful.

    Buy the costume. Eh, I’m employed again. I’ll wire you the money!


    • Eugie Foster says:

      Hee! It was who made my wonderful skunk calendars. And you still have the martial arts calendar I posed for? That was a fun one . Also, oof there’s been a lot of years between then and now.

      Both you and (that’s Michael in case you don’t recognize the LJ handle) have both graciously offered to buy me the cute outfit sponsor my space girl costume for the calendar. As I was saying above, maybe y’all could go halfsies on it for this excellent cause?

      • dean13 says:

        oof there’s been a lot of years between then and now.
        No kidding. I wonder if I can trade-in my human shell for a model with lower milage.

        I found the idea of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation as amusing as the Skepchick Calendar.

        I will work out the details with teflaime, A.K.A Michael.

        Though, I don’t think I could hang either of the above mentioned calendars at my office at Sony Online. They have stick rules against such things, yet oddly, no rules against having posters of Everquest Sorceress Babes plastered all over the walls. [http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm]


      • dean13 says:

        [Comment, take 2]

        oof there’s been a lot of years between then and now.
        No kidding. I wonder if I can trade-in my human shell for a model with lower milage.

        I found the idea of this new calendar amusing as the Skepchick Calendar.

        I will work out the details with teflaime, A.K.A Michael.

        Though, I don’t think I could hang either of the above mentioned calendars at my office at Sony Online. They have stick rules against such things, yet oddly, no rules against having posters of Everquest Sorceress Babes plastered all over the walls. [http://eqplayers.station.sony.com/index.vm]

        • Eugie Foster says:

          The Skepchick (and Skepdude) calendars are shiny! Hurray for the celebration of skepticism.

          Company policies are funny things. But then, they’re based on people’s sensibilities, which are also funny things. had my aforementioned martial arts calendar hanging in his cube (in our old Midwestern place of employment) open to one of my months (February), and one day he came in to find that someone had turned it around so the picture was towards the wall. Very odd. Especially considering that he had other pictures of me in his cube, including a wedding picture, so it should’ve been obvious that it was a picture of his wife he was displaying, not just some random Asian babe. Although that only happened once, and management never asked him to take the calendar down–which I assume was because they had the sense to realize the questionableness of asking someone to take down a picture of their spouse . . .

          Thank you (and ) again for sponsoring my costume for the D*C charity calendar. It’s a very generous and appreciated gesture.

  3. wistling says:

    Sorry about no crit for it…week’s been hectic. (*hides head in shame*)

  4. Great outfit. Accept the offers of assistance. The working poor among us salute those generous donors!

  5. Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest

    As one of the critters that asked for more info, just a little clarification…. For me, it wasn’t so much that it was “too confusing” as that it felt like some critical world-building details were just…left out.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest

      Yep, yep. I know, sweetie. I wasn’t clumping your crit into the “too confusing” category. I got a few crits which totally missed my intent (or actually said “I didn’t get it”).

      Actually, the original draft of “Sinner, Baker, etc.” had several world-building elements that I pulled before loading it to Critters in an effort to tighten the overall piece that I’ve put back in my final version to make the story more cohesive and clearer. I hope.

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