- Received page proofs from @BundoranPress for Strange Bedfellows anthology and was chuffed to see "Tried as an Adult" is lead story. 😀 18:45:22, 2014-01-12
- 1st 2014 #DragonCon Directors Meeting & I can't be there. 🙁 Sending @MatthewMFoster, though. Miss everyone, hope y'all have an awesome one! 16:27:08, 2014-01-12
- Solaris Rising 2 edited by @IanWhates with my "Whatever Skin You Wear" is a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award! http://t.co/BBCs5L69YZ 13:08:53, 2014-01-10
- Aaand we're done with round four of chemo. Tired and lil queasy. Glad to be heading home now. #CopingWithCancer 15:15:01, 2014-01-09
- Finally on the way to 4th round of chemo after spending an hour on phone with medical insurance company. *headdesk* #CopingWithCancer 09:03:35, 2014-01-09
- Yesterday's lumbar puncture chemo left me more sore & exhausted than previous one. Had to rest on stairs on way to office. #CopingWithCancer 08:01:08, 2014-01-08
- Easiest spinal tap yet! We likes the black needle, we do. And now back to work at the day job for the afternoon. #CopingWithCancer 12:08:06, 2014-01-07
- Heading to Winship Cancer Institute for second lumbar puncture chemo infusion. OMG it's cold. #CopingWithCancer 08:16:16, 2014-01-07
- In a feat of cosmic timing so crappy it's funny, I've been summoned for jury duty this month. Now I get to beg the court for a postponement. 17:32:08, 2014-01-06
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