- Spiked a fever this morning, which made me sad. But it's better now. However, now they want a chest x-ray & chest CT scan. #CopingWithCancer 17:16:37, 2014-08-18
- My white cells are growing; my white cells are growing! My count is still low but no longer critically so. Grow little white cells! 14:36:47, 2014-08-19
- Doctors came and they want to keep me in the hospital for another day because of my stupid fevers. Wah! I wanna go home!! #CopingWithCancer 14:21:53, 2014-08-21
- RT @blackathenapm: Found out 1st @escapepodcast story I downloaded years ago is by @eugiefoster; thought I read her 4 1st time this year! 20:46:26, 2014-08-22
- RT @blackathenapm: @eugiefoster @escapepodcast story I heard 1st: http://t.co/t7fzWmDLuY Story I read this year: https://t.co/DZ4bagIQm4 21:30:02, 2014-08-22
- One of my meds is causing horrible insomnia and jitters. Must. Sleep. Solution: take sleep-inducing meds. *headdesk* #CopingWithCancer 17:38:57, 2014-08-24
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