Wednesday after Easter

Forty-one critiques at Critters for my Chinese-flavored fairy tale, with the possibility of one or two more trickling in before the week is up. And today my traditional fairy tale goes up. Ack. I’m so behind on my thank you notes! (Thank you britzkrieg and prosewitch, btw. More detailed email will be coming to you soon, but wanted to let you know that I got your crits and greatly, greatly appreciate the insightful feedback!)

I think I miscalculated the amount of free time I’d have these weeks. dude_the and Nick are still here (hurray!), and I’m still recovering from Fantasm. My correspondence (and writing) time has taken a rather substantive hit.

Urk. But urk in a good way. Life is better overfull than empty.

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8 Responses to Wednesday after Easter

  1. britzkrieg says:

    >Thank you britzkrieg and prosewitch, btw.

    You’re so welcome! Thank you for sharing your work. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to critique a pro (or proto-pro?)

    No hurry on the response — I know you’re busy. Take it easy!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Eep! I don’t consider myself a pro, although I’m flattered to be even marginally considered one. I think the “neo-pro” (“proto-pro”?) category fits me better.

      • mouseferatu says:

        Nope. You don’t get out of it that easily.

        You write.


        You get paid for your writing.


        You are a pro.

        Accept it! Accept it!!!!!


        • Eugie Foster says:

          No! No!

          You make a living at it, so you’re a pro. Me, I can only gaze in starry-eyed admiration in your general direction. Ooo.

          Actually, one of my long term goals is to achieve the average writerly income one year. Know how much that is? Aw c’mon, guess!

          Last I heard, taking the mean between the Stephen Kings and J.K. Rowlings and dividing them between all the unpublished masses, the sum comes to $4K/year. Sigh.

  2. So when are you going to publish your first “fairy tale” book? *grin*

  3. prosewitch says:

    I’m happy I got a chance to critique it. I did forget to say a few things, though, such as how much your female protagonists impressed me. Wen-Xiu’s mother was not a nameless, faceless mother but rather a heroine in her own right, with traits and strengths all her own.

    Ooh, I’m looking forward to your traditional fairy tale. More opportunity for not-quite-folkloristic analysis! (actually, if you’re not as interested in that kind of thing, drop me a note and I’ll tone it down) Gah, I need to finish up some stories so I can have something in the pile too…

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