Weekend reminiscing/Anyone want to donate a join code?

First off:

Does anyone have an LJ join code they wouldn’t mind giving up? One of our visiting friends expressed an interest in starting his very own blog and I’ve used up my “one to a customer” free account code already. Thanks!

Next, the weekend:

Had a fantastic one. Made it hard to get up for work this morning. Went to visit the kangaroos with Dean and Chris on Saturday and that evening Matthew ran a fabu one-shot tabletop game. Interestingly, both Dean and Chris are enough out of the gaming loop that they were both all “huh?” when we were discussing tabletop RPGs versus live-action. They’d never heard of LARPs before.

Jumped off the caffeine wagon with both feet on Saturday. Same with the Clonazepam one. There’s a relationship. Did a lot of work on the Cricket rewrites over the weekend. Finished one and sent it off. Still want to do a few more passes on the other before mailing it, but it’s mostly done. Then it’s all nail biting and cross-fingered waiting.

But somehow, the ergonomic situation of our home computer isn’t good for me. After spending a bunch of hours working on it, I ended up in a lot of pain come late Friday, so I took a Clonazepam. This resulted in me being in a zombie fugue state on Saturday, so had some coffee to dig myself out my brain fog.

But I went back to taking neither for the rest of the weekend with no repercussions. Perhaps I’ve kicked the physiological dependency and can go back to a judicious use of both. We’ll see. But I think cutting out my obligatory cup of java in the morning is a good thing.

Still very jazzed about the Cricket rewrites. Not as jazzed as two sales would’ve made me, but almost.

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8 Responses to Weekend reminiscing/Anyone want to donate a join code?

  1. mery_bast says:

    http://www.livejournal.com/users/embarcadero/ <--My friend Jen just posted some codes she doesn't need... :)

  2. mouseferatu says:

    Hmm… Guess you don’t need it anymore, but I’ve got quite a few extras. Let me know next time you want one. 🙂

  3. Wow! Sounds like you had a great weekend!

    I am so glad that you had a good time with Dean and Chris being there. Although, I must confess to a wee bit of confusion over this mysterious “out of the gaming loop” thing you speak of. Not to mention the “they’d never heard of LARPs before”, heh.

    Actually, I doubt if I didn’t do D*C I would know what a LARP was either. I’ve never played one, but I do know alot of people that have.

    I am sorry to hear you were in pain after being on your computer so much. I can’t, off the top of my head, remember what your chair was like, but maybe you should look into a comfier one with arm rests so that you aren’t having to hold them up while you type. And one with lumbar support too. Of course, if you have that, then I am babbling, so I will hush now. 🙂

    I am really excited for you, getting all that work done on the Cricket rewrites! I will keep all the good thoughts about them publishing and sending you a check soon.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I am sorry to hear you were in pain after being on your computer so much. I can’t, off the top of my head, remember what your chair was like, but maybe you should look into a comfier one with arm rests so that you aren’t having to hold them up while you type. And one with lumbar support too.

      It’s not the most ergonomic setup at home. While we do have armrests and rudimentary lumbar support (bolstered periodically by strategically placed cushions), the keyboard is situated a little too high for me. My hands are slightly higher than they ought to be. I can elevate the chair, but then my feet don’t touch the ground and that’s all bad. But it’s not terrible either. I’ve got one of those ergo keyboards, and we have a nice big monitor so I’m not leaning forward, squinting at the screen.

      Blah. I need computer furniture that has been built to my exact specifications. ‘Course then it would throw Matthew’s back out if he were to use it. Laptops. I like laptops.

      I am really excited for you, getting all that work done on the Cricket rewrites! I will keep all the good thoughts about them publishing and sending you a check soon.

      Thank you! I aim to have short rewrite turnover times so that my story stays fresh in editors’ minds. Just mailed out the second one today. Now it’s all about the hoping . .

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