Wingstubs and Joss Whedon, no relation

Wingstubs giving me grief. Not sure why as I haven’t been keyboarding that vigorously lately, but my arms ache. Ow.

If you’re a Browncoat, clickie to see more proof that Joss Whedon is a directing god (link ganked from tomaqmar). By the sheer miracle of knowing what he’s doing, Joss saved money and time while shooting Serenity in Hollywood.

And, the official geek question of the hour: If Buffy and River were to duke it out, who would win?


Writing Stuff

– A form rejection from Guideposts for Kids. This was a long shot anyway. G4K is a Christian ‘zine and the story I subbed really . . . wasn’t.
– Also got a personal rejection from Escape Pod. Stephen requested to see more, actually asked to see a couple stories by name based on their title (from the bibliography on my website). Well, cool. I believe in giving editors what they want, so sent off one of them.
– Sale of “Kawaa, Naagan, and the Queen’s Diamond Necklace” to Dragonfly Spirit, a lovely new startup children’s ‘zine. My story is due out in their March 2006 issue. The editor is a fellow Critter and we’ve exchanged some friendly correspondence in the past so I’m quite pleased to be working with her.
– Two more Critters crits of my Korean folktale. It continues to be a crowd pleaser. Well, good.

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11 Responses to Wingstubs and Joss Whedon, no relation

  1. tripper says:

    River. Cos she could kill her with her mind.

  2. aimeempayne says:

    I didn’t watch Firefly until after it was doomed. I’m kind of edgy that the movie may be the last of our intrepid heroes.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I saw Serenity at one of the preview screenings and I’ve been just about ready to pop, not giving away any spoilers. I’m staying mum, but I will say the movie is awesome. Go see it!

      • aimeempayne says:

        I saw it last Sunday, which is why I’m edgy. I love these characters with a great and enduring love. Even if they make two more movies, it won’t be enough. I want a tv series and movies, and there is a possibility I won’t get either. *sob*

  3. faelad says:

    Buffy would only try to incapacitate River, which would be Buffy’s downfall. River wouldn’t hold back.

  4. troutqueen says:

    Let’s recap: Buffy in the series finale got herself stabbed in the Big Battle.

    River, in an enclosed space with any number of reavers, kicked their asses. With barely a scratch.

    My money’s on River.

  5. Congrats on the sale!

  6. coronalrain says:

    Hahaha. Buffy or River huh? Thats a toughy, but seeing as how River can read minds… I might put my money on her.

  7. mouseferatu says:

    “Who would win in a take down, Buffy or River?”


    I learned years ago, during lots of conversations with friends as geeky as I am, that Droopy is the trump card to all “Who would win if…?” questions.

    Dr. Doom vs. Darth Vader? Droopy.

    Superman vs. Thor? Droopy.

    Zeus vs. Jesus? Droopy.

    Because no matter what, Droopy would walk in, say “You know what? That makes me mad,” and then grab the winner by the ankles and smack him up and down the room.


  8. nwhyte says:

    I just saw Serenity last night, and have therefore changed my answer to the poll!

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