Wingstubs and Sister of the Hedge

Wingstubs were a searing ache all of yesterday. Realized that at some point I’ve got to let them rest. Figured it was better for me to choose my downtime rather than have my wingstubs decide for me. So I took a Tramadol and curled up with June’s Realms of Fantasy, Journey to the West, and a skunk.

dsnight‘s story in RoF, “Sister of the Hedge,” blew me away. It’s a dark re-examination of the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, told via the POV of adjacent characters. Aurora, Prince Charming, and the fairies et al. are only seen through the lens of legend and superstition. This story illustrates both the best and worst aspects of religion, and combines it with some really chilling imagery. It’s exactly the sort of nouveau-classic fairy tale story that I absolutely adore. Fresh, thoughtful, and lushly told. Go. Read.

I should have some more enforced wingstub rest periods this weekend, which I hope will help. fosteronfilm and I are going to an advance screening of The Da Vinci Code tonight, yukinooruoni and I are having brunch tomorrow, and dire_epiphany is taking us to the opera to see Tosca on Sunday.

See? I’m getting out more.


Writing Stuff

My guest blogger post at A Writer’s Vanity, “Stuffing My Eyes with Wonder or Why I Write,” is up.

New Words:
– 200 on the YA novel. Then it just hurt too much. Decided to do the non-chronological writing thing and am hopping scenes. Hoping I won’t have to dump too many of them.

– Payment from for my “10 Myths About Writing for Kids” article. Also, the editor sez she’ll probably publish this one in July.
– Payment from my researching freelance gig. Yay, money!
– Email from Surreal informing me that my manuscript is being returned unread because they’re closed to submission right now. Thank you, please come again. Doh!

Club 100 For Writers

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13 Responses to Wingstubs and Sister of the Hedge

  1. Editor-lady no breaky. We needs her for writing hotness and motivational speeches.

  2. palmerwriter says:

    I did an interview with Philip Nutman for Surreal, on the same weekend that the editors were putting it to bed. Talk about cutting it close! Congrats on the freelance money and the writing articles. Nonfiction writing rocks!

  3. lanyn says:

    Oooh! Tosca is such a wonderful opera. Beautiful music, and a violent melodramatic story. Just what an opera should have! I don’t recognize any of the names of the singers you’ll be hearing, but I hope you enjoy it!

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I’m not familiar with the opera, but “violent” and “melodramatic” seem to be common adjectives used to describe it, which is way promising. I’m very much looking forward to it.

  4. I’ll kinds of cool news while I’ve been on salt mine duties. Keep up the good vibes and protect those wingstubs!

  5. Eugie, I *loved* your guest blogger spot! The little fairy door story brightened my day too!! 😀

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thanks, Maggie! It was fun to write and also gave me the opportunity to lay all the fragmented thoughts I had on the matter down in cold, hard err pixels. Very therapeutic.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I enjoyed your “Why I write” post, Eugie.

    My wife wants to see Da Vinci Code this weekend. I’ve already figured out the title for my review: “Son of Godawful”. (I wonder if anyone’s taken it yet?)


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