Woozy, achy, and tired, oh my.

Yep, I feel like I’ve been trampled by a horde of ravening coatimundis. I’m woozy, everything aches, and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and snooze. I haven’t spiked a fever (yet), which is the only reason I’m not calling this a flare-up.

The first Dragon*Con director’s meeting is this afternoon. Going to drug myself up to the eyeballs with analgesics and engage in some serious sugar therapy to get through it. The sugar therapy should be fun, in any case. Rah . . . *whimper*


Writing Stuff

– Payment from both Fantasy Magazine for “The Bunny of Vengeance and the Bear of Death” and from Story Station for “Spring Arrives on a Hob’s Tail.” Yay.

Editing/New Words: Editing passes on “Tried as an Adult” commenced, and I think it’s done. But I’m having bouts of self-doubt, so I haven’t sent the thing out yet. I’ve also been nudging around the other idea I had for a story for Heroes in Training. Contemplating writing that one instead. Nothing like a little insecurity to get the creative juices flowing? Urk.

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16 Responses to Woozy, achy, and tired, oh my.

  1. I’m so sorry you feel bad.


    Hope you’re feeling better SOON!

  2. I’m so sorry you feel bad.


    Hope you’re feeling better SOON!

  3. wistling says:

    Hope you feel better soon. I’m getting back to work myself…after seeing Rob Sawyer’s awards up close, I feel inspired to get those novels written!

  4. wistling says:

    Hope you feel better soon. I’m getting back to work myself…after seeing Rob Sawyer’s awards up close, I feel inspired to get those novels written!

  5. tstauffer says:

    I’m also in a major flare up for the past two days. I’m hoping it passes soon. I’m stiff all over and achey, random stinging pain. Ick. Hope you feel better.

  6. tstauffer says:

    I’m also in a major flare up for the past two days. I’m hoping it passes soon. I’m stiff all over and achey, random stinging pain. Ick. Hope you feel better.

  7. basletum says:

    I feel the same way today. I blame the weather. Arthritis sucks, but I’ve had it since I was 12 so normally I’m used to the aches and pains. Then of course you get those days where you just want to scream, “Moooooorphiiiiiiinnnee!”

  8. basletum says:

    I feel the same way today. I blame the weather. Arthritis sucks, but I’ve had it since I was 12 so normally I’m used to the aches and pains. Then of course you get those days where you just want to scream, “Moooooorphiiiiiiinnnee!”

  9. dream_wind says:

    But I’m having bouts of self-doubt, so I haven’t sent the thing out yet.

    This is my biggest problem with my writing, too – academic and fiction. Even before I’ve written anything, I get paralysed by the fear that what I’m going to write is crap, so it’s easier just to play another game of Pinball. But when I finally sit down and write, it’s easier.

    As for sending it out, I think the best thing you can do is send it out. If you think it’s done, it probably is. If it gets rejected, look at it again then.

  10. dream_wind says:

    But I’m having bouts of self-doubt, so I haven’t sent the thing out yet.

    This is my biggest problem with my writing, too – academic and fiction. Even before I’ve written anything, I get paralysed by the fear that what I’m going to write is crap, so it’s easier just to play another game of Pinball. But when I finally sit down and write, it’s easier.

    As for sending it out, I think the best thing you can do is send it out. If you think it’s done, it probably is. If it gets rejected, look at it again then.

  11. tomaqmar says:

    Eugie, congrats on the Locus review for “The Bunny…”

  12. tomaqmar says:

    Eugie, congrats on the Locus review for “The Bunny…”

  13. hope you’re already on the mend. I would love to see “Tried as an adult” if you have a mind to share? Legal beagle, bow wow and all that.

  14. hope you’re already on the mend. I would love to see “Tried as an adult” if you have a mind to share? Legal beagle, bow wow and all that.

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