Nebula Awards Weekend and Shuttle Launch…and Grand Jury Duty Conflict

So I’m all registered to attend Nebula Weekend*, and the SFWA has set up VIP viewing passes for the Friday, May 14 Atlantis shuttle launch which I very much want to see. Yay.

However, I’m slated to do my civic duty as a grand jurist during May-June. I just checked the Fulton County jury duty site, and I realized that the Grand Jury meets on Tuesday and Friday, not Tuesday and Thursday as I had thought. Glargh!

Don’t know what to do. Last day for registering for the SFWA VIP shuttle viewing passes is tomorrow. And I’ve already had my jury duty postponed once. (I was originally slated to serve during January-February…right smack dab in the middle of the legislative session.) Don’t know if the powers that be will be amenable to another postponement. ‘Course the first time, I did request to have it postponed until July-Aug, and they only bumped it to May-June, so there might be a case I can still make.

Glargh (again)!

* And as a reminder, the voting deadline for the Nebula Awards is today! Final ballots are due by Tuesday, March 30th 23:59 PST. If you’re an active member of SFWA, please remember to cast your ballot!

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2 Responses to Nebula Awards Weekend and Shuttle Launch…and Grand Jury Duty Conflict

  1. Anonymous says:

    It looks fabulous! 🙂

  2. ken_schneyer says:

    It can’t hurt to try. Some lerk’s offices are more forgiving than others. If you explain that it’s like being nominated for the Oscars (I know, I know, but they’ll understand if you put it that way), you might just get a romantic-sympathetic clerk who’ll give you the date you originally asked for.

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