Need more time!

I’m a bit flabbergasted that Mobicon is in just two days. I haven’t done any prep or packing yet. Don’t know what to wear, don’t know what to bring, don’t know what to say on my panels. Eek!


Writing Stuff

– A short story request for an anthology that I couldn’t, simply could not turn down. Due date August-ish. Not sure what the secrecy status of this project is, so I’ll leave it at that. I dunno how I’m going to wedge writing a new short story into my schedule, as it will also require some research, but I’m determined to find a way. (Sleep? Who needs sleep?)
– 43-day “The writing in this piece was just lovely, very rich and lush, but . . .” from Strange Horizons with a “looking forward to your next submission.” Snartleblast. A lot.

New Words:
– 300 or so on my June Writing for Young Readers column.
– 275 on the Fox Princess novel. Not a good day for words-on-the-page productivity. But at least those numbers include a chunk of wordage I cut out upon realizing the timing was wrong for that scene.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
8,731 / 40,000

Club 100 for Writers: 5

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2 Responses to Need more time!

  1. mroctober says:

    Nothing secret about it yet other than I ask you don’t mention the publisher I’m approaching or the setting.

  2. basletum says:

    Procrastinator! 😛

    Why is it you always seem to have low wordage days when I have high wordage days, and high wordage days when I have low wordage days? Are we sharing a single multitasking muse and not knowing it? That can’t be the case. You’re always whipping your muse, and my muse is usually the one doing the whipping. How could the same muse be both dominant and submissive? Must be different muses…who happen to be mirror twins. Yeah. That’s it.

    Eh, enough insane rambling for one day.

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