Elektra, Skunk Pix

Got Elektra from Netflix yesterday. It was beautiful. Fantastic cinematography, amazing fight choreography, gorgeous imagery. Now if we’d only turned the volume off. This Eastern-influence thing on Hollywood is great and all, but why the hell are they also incorporating the fragmented, bizarre storytelling? Would it kill them to find a good writer? They can obviously afford top-notch fight directors and trainers! Sheesh. And where the hell was that movie set in? The architecture looked Japanese, except for the population, which was white . . . except for the yakuza assassins, of course. Glargh.

Fun, yes, but really crappy writing. Again.

So this isn’t a total gripe-fest post, fat skunk belly! Yes, Hobkin needs to go on a diet.

Writing Stuff

I’m really enjoying my experience as Tangent‘s Managing Editor, but right now my feelings about it can be summed up by:

It would be incredibly unprofessional to say anything more, so I won’t. But yeah.

Words: Two more passes on the folktale, did a lot of cutting, so much that I decided I needed another group of readers to eyeball it. I popped it up the Critters queue. Should go up next week.

Club 100 For Writers

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12 Responses to Elektra, Skunk Pix

  1. terracinque says:

    Indeed. Look no further than Pixar to see that you can have an exciting, action-packed, special-effects-laden movie that also tells a freaking story. I wish the rest of Hollywood were teachable.

    By the way, I’ve joined Club 100, and I’ve been sticking to the program pretty well.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Look no further than Pixar to see that you can have an exciting, action-packed, special-effects-laden movie that also tells a freaking story.

      Exactly! I simply can’t believe that as soon as you insert real live actors into the mix you have to end up with story pap.

      And yay for Club 100! I keep having lapses, but the stick/carrot effect makes it very worthwhile.

  2. cmpriest says:

    aw, fatty skunk belly!
    spainy sleeps like that too.

  3. He’s not fat– there’s just more to love! 😉

  4. jmeadows says:

    Skunky cuteness! Oh dear oh dear!

  5. quasiskunk says:

    And what’s wrong with a chunky Skunkie? 🙂

    (other than the medical reasons of course!)

  6. tstauffer says:

    Awww, gee he’s cute. One of these days I’ll get to meet him and maybe get a cuddle. My kids think it’s funny you have a skunk. I’m just waiting for them to ask for one. By the way, I’ll keep an eye out on Critters for your story in the que. I really need to do some crits for them. It’s been a while. 🙂

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