Hobkin and the blue moon

Hobkin has been a fuzzy chaos fiend these last couple days. Could it be the recent blue moon we had? This morning I woke up way before my alarm, and then tried to get up without rousing the slumbering demon. Didn’t work. Spent the next hour trying to restore order to the house. Have the forearm welts to show for it. He figured out how to snap off the baby locks holding our entertainment cabinet doors closed. If he repeats the stunt, we’re going to have to find a new way to secure them shut.

Writing Stuff:

Work continues apace on the cyberpunk article. I finished draft one and ran it past Matthew. He thought it read too dense, like a term paper rather than an entertainment essay. I agreed, so in my next pass I worked on punching up the prose and making it more user-friendly. Maybe one more pass and it should be in shape to send in. Probably.

I think my head is filling up with cyberpunk fiction. Need to get a brain upgrade with more storage space.

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2 Responses to Hobkin and the blue moon

  1. Anonymous says:


    More memory, too? And what about Internet connection? Telepathy, here we come… 🙂


  2. redgloam says:

    sounds like Hobkins got a lot of energy these days!! I’ll skunk sit for you if I’m ever in the area. 😉 hehe.

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